Extended Wear Attachment
Hello and welcome to advanced benefit number 10 called “Extended Wear” this is very interesting what I said in the previous video is that there’s three different types of attachment that is available through hair stranding and I want to touch on the purpose of this all right the purpose of having three different attachments is to help a wider range of people the first attachment that I spoke about on the previous video of this was called “Strand Locking”, strand locking usually needs about one month of servicing it’s not bad because you go to a salon once a month anyway to get a haircut or a touch-up of color so you simply come in for touch-ups when you have strand locking attachment about once a month simple minor one hour visit very inexpensive okay.
So now to take it to another level the extended wear the extended wear purpose is now to allow the individual to come in about every two to two-and-a-half months first service instead of coming in once a month and our purpose of doing that is to help more people because if we get some people that just can’t make it once a month, they’re too busy or maybe they live far away from one of our hair stranding studios either way we want to help the widest range of people we want hair stranding the help as many people as possible. So thus that’s why we invented the extended wear now with the extended wear everything’s the same we still use the micro strand the finish micro strand that has the single human hairs attached shown in other videos that’s still used and in the previous video I talked about this a single micro strand and how we make what’s called an anchor that when you look at it with a magnifying glass it merely is a baby little ponytail if you remember that video if not please go back to it well with extended wear everything’s the same it’s still attached with the micro strand thread here and still attached making the anchors / little baby ponytails
Although in addition to that we use something called a comb lock a coal mock is this here alright and it’s filled with hair it’s a comb that locks it’s about as big as your pinky nail it is not a clip what’s in the industry the clips in the industry are much larger and harsher and a little bit rougher on your hair these are made to be finer and thinner again they’re about as big as your pinky nail and they’re thin and soft in addition to that they’re filled with hair, so you cannot see them these these little comb locks you will not see they will be underneath the micro strain that’s the finish micro strand there will be part of that there will be attached to that meaning you do not pick these up and put these in your head these will be part of the micro strand underneath it and attach to it permanently so you can’t remove them from that okay so now we’re attaching the micro strand with the little anchors plus it has a few of these comb locks behind it where you cannot see them at all okay
So it’s just as natural it’s the first attachment but now here’s what happens a month goes by instead of coming to one of the hair stranding studios to get this touch-up alright which is very minor only about an hour now you can spread it apart now you can come in about every two to two and a half months because when a month goes by and it gets a little loose what happens is that you can reach in there and just push these cold locks just a notch and they lock right onto your hair extremely simple we show you how to do it it’s done by thousands of people now okay
So now you’re able to secure it by yourself you cannot remove it you just can pro longer need to come into a hair stranding studio by securing it in between visits that’s the purpose of extended wear so please keep in mind it’s just as natural it’s the same as the regular hair stranding it’s just a secondary attachment to allow some people that need to come in about every two or two-and-a-half months instead of coming in once a month like the first attachment okay
So now the next video we’re going to talk about is advanced benefit number 11 and that is “Non maintenance attachment” and yes there is a non maintenance attachment with hair stranding and it ties right into helping the widest range of people we want to make hair stranding available to everyone on earth so that’s why there’s three attachments so I’ll see on the next video.
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