Learn More about the method that will fix or cure any Hair situation!
Hello Dino here again and welcome to Advanced Benefit number three “Universal Fix” what this means is that Hair Stranding by InvisaBlend is the only method that will fix or cure any hair situation now what I mean by any I mean any any human being in existence in the world with any hair situation with any hair type the hair stranding can adjust to it’s very important to understand that meaning it doesn’t matter if you just have general thinness if you just want a little fullness in the bang if you just want more length on the bottom like what a lot of women do for hair extensions they just put lengthen the bottom if you have a serious thin problem if your hairlines receding if you’re going through chemo and you’re losing all your hair again it doesn’t matter what situation this is a universal fix meaning hair stranding is the only method that can be customized for literally any situation that exists on earth, so please remember that don’t ever think is it good for this hair is a good for that hair it won’t solve my problem because I have this situation.
I have alopecia I have trichotillomania again it doesn’t matter what situation you have this hair stranding concept can adjust to any situation so here’s the reason why yes so you know it starts with the micro strand as you’ve seen before the micro strand is a very fine filament fine as a hair translucent and ten times stronger than a hair we put one hair at a time on this but now how do we customize these these micro strands are made in different millimeter openings from a twenty millimeters or a diamond shape opening all the way down to a one millimeter diamond shape opening so just for clarity when you have an area that has a decent amount of hair and you just want to say add lens then we use 20 millimeter because the 20 millimeter diamond opening means you have enough to fill in the openings remember pair stranding is an enhancement it’s combining adding our hair in between yours that’s key alright. So getting back to an M 20 and 20 means a 20 millimeter opening which means the area which were filling in or enhancing has a lot of your own hair to contribute if you have another area that has less hair to contribute then we go down to a 15 millimeter diamond opening another area less hair to contribute down to a 13 millimeter opening then we have a 10 millimeter opening a 9 millimeter opening an eight millimeter opening a 7 all the way down to a one millimeter opening a 1 millimeter opening as an example is this this here it’s only for a complete bald area so that’s a 1 millimeter opening.
So when I say bold area it can mean you’re bald on the whole top or it can mean you just have a little bit of a receding hairline and you want to lower your hairline the point is that this can be adjusted for any individual with any hair situation so we mix the different millimeter openings for each individual situation that’s how we’re able to adjust this and customize this for literally any situation whatsoever so now just to explain a little deeper I’m going to show you the different millimeters because I explained it in this book this is an M 20 this here is the m15 gets smaller this is the M 13 gets smaller this is the N 10 gets smaller this is the m9 this is the m8 this one here is the N seven and it goes all the way down to this one here is the m1 and we mix these different millimeters and now that’s what I want you to understand that this is a universal fix so please contact us if you have any questions whatsoever so stay tuned for our next video advanced benefit number four scalp access very important.
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