Scalp – Down Brushing
Hello Dino here again and today this is Advanced Benefit number eight and that is “Scalp Down brushing” scalp down brushing is very important and only exists through hair stranding right through the technique of Hair Stranding through InvisaBlend very important here’s the reason why all other methods of adding hair most of them you cannot brush all the way down to the scalp and if you can brush down to your scalp you’re not getting all the way down to the scalp now from a health perspective you need to brush all the way down to the scalp, all the way out to the end you always want to do that.
So here’s the important part about scalp down brushing because of the micro strand this here is the micro strand that is finished what I mean by that it’s finished after the hair is applied alright first we make the micro strand which is not here right now on the shows you see that on the other video but this is the micro channel flip, it over for you that shows you the micro strand from the inside but when you flip it this way and you look it sort of disappears alright.
Now here’s what’s important about the micro strand member the micro strand is a filament as thin as one single human hair if you were standing in front of me and you looked at one single micro strand you would say that’s a hair you would touch it you would feel it you would crumble it in your hand to say that’s a hair it was invented to look and feel and be identical like a hair, but remember what I said in other previous videos it’s ten times stronger than a hair and it’s translucent I mean you can see through the fiber itself so that way when it lays down against the scalp you don’t see it so because it’s so soft it molds to your head as your hair is being blended through and it allows you to do something that you can’t do with anything else you can scrape the brush right down into the scalp, scalp down brushing from scalp all the way through so not only can you do that but you should do that because it’s healthy and remember hair stranding was invented most of all to be healthy for your existing hair and healthy for your scalp that’s what’s most important
So please remember this important principle scalp down brushing for our next video which will be advanced benefit number nine is the attachment called “Strand Locking” the lightest finest safest attachment in existence and you’re going to find this very interesting and there’s three attachments but we’re going to cover one at a time I’ll see you on the next video.
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