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Hair Stranding is the name of the technique, and Invisablend is the company of which Hair Stranding was invented within.  Hair Stranding and InvisaBlend is used interchangeable, so sometime people with hair loss problem will refer to this method as the “InvisaBlend Hair Loss “Method” or simply the “InvisaBlend Method” – AND – and sometimes people with thinning hair or needing fuller hair will refer to this method as “Hair Stranding”.

Hair Stranding by InvisaBlend is the first and only method that is a “Cure-ALL” for ANY hair loss,  hair thinning, balding or just thin hair situations.   The following is a comparison breakdown of every method and or categories of adding hair, or simple put – comparing Hair Stranding by InvisaBlend to ALL Hair Loss solutions, Hair Replacement solutions, Hair Restoration solutions, Hair Extensions, Hair Systems, Hair Units, Hair Pieces and wigs of any sort, plus also comparing to any surgical procedures to Hair Stranding – like any Hair Transplant or Hair Grafting method.  

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