Hello Dino here and welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video tutorial and my name is Dino and today’s subject is “How to Increase the value of Yourself through your Hair” now value of yourself is very important. I actually got this from ‘Joel Olsteen’ I was watching one of his shows and I noticed that he talked about value and how important it is and I want to sort of tie it into your appearance – all right so how do you increase your value and number, one value comes from internally, it does not come from possessions, it does not come from your position, all right. It does not come from things you get alright, it comes first from inside you have to value yourself inside first and then you do stuff exterior.
So me being in the hair business since 1975 one thing, I’ve noticed dealing with thousands of people trying to help thousands of people having thousands of consultations what I’ve noticed is that a lot of people would come in and they would love the concept all right whatever I was doing at that time but they didn’t want to make the step now I can understand if they didn’t have the money and then I try to help them in any way I can but when they do have the money and they like the concept and they feel like they shouldn’t do it or they’re not sure if they can do it they’re not valuing themselves enough alright so you have to value yourself first and understand the value of yourself when you understand the value of yourself then the other things will boost your value but the main core of your value comes from internal alright
So things that you get your performance that you produce your position and even your popularity all of that should not create your value it should just induce or boost your value so I hope that makes sense to you when it comes to hair when it comes to your appearance all right what I want you to do is value yourself and if you value yourself you will then take care of yourself and I really believe everybody should take care of themselves from giving themselves good food taking care of the body taking care of their mind taking care of their hair taking care of your appearance when you do that then you’ll be able to grow yourself better so take care of your appearance it’s very very important and of course I’m a hair guy start with your hair okay
So now our quote for today is take charge of your appearance and your appearance will elevate you what does that mean when you take care of your appearance on a consistent basis what happens it consistently makes you feel better about yourself and the better you feel about yourself the more your self-esteem Rises so your appearance has a lot to do with how you feel although you should still value yourself first and then take care of your appearance okay let’s not forget that so take care of your appearance and work on your appearance and it’ll make you feel better and it’ll boost your self-esteem as I said before all right so I invite you to the next video and that videos is called do you think about your hair more than 10 minutes a day so please I hope I can see you there thank you.
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