The Hair Elevation Story
Hello and Welcome Limitless Hair Expert expert video my name is Dino and these video series are hair expertise combined with self-improvement and today’s video is “The hair elevation story” now to tell you a quick story about this situation of me being in hair 1975. I was a licensed hairdresser and about 1982 started losing my hair alright. Just where it started becoming noticeable now what I did at that time, I fought it, I said to myself it’s not going without a fight that was my sort of motto okay. What I did then I studied everything humanly possible, I looked in magazines, I subscribed to magazines I got everything I could on anything that would help maintain or keep my hair, it wasn’t going without a fight okay. Now that made me very knowledgeable because I understood all these different things about hair hair growth ,why hair falls out and that was it back in about 1982 and at that time biotin was very dominant at that time saying it’ll grow your hair but I studied nutrition and everything and even back then they always said about five years are gonna have a cure even back then so 10 years later they still said 5 years they’re gonna have another cure and it just kept perpetuating over and over and over like this so I kept working on ways to keep my hair right.
So I want to connect with people here because I really understand what people go through when they lose their hair because now I didn’t admit that it bothered me I was sort of macho about it so somebody says there’s a bother your should know not be done about that may I’ll just cut my hair short but actually it really did bother me and I fought it for years ok did everything possible matter of fact some interesting I never looked at the my head for one full year because I was afraid to and when I looked at it I was shocked because it was getting extra thin there but I wouldn’t look at it for a year. So I tried everything to try to I don’t know if I was able to slow it down or not who knows.
I’ve seen little fuzzies I couldn’t tell if they were leaving or coming in at all I hung upside down they had gravity boots at the time where you do a pull-up and you hook up your feet upside down you hang upside down I did sit-ups on a sit-up bench and hanging on an incline to put more blood to my head then my mom actually gave me something this is way back in about 1982 something really interesting I want to show everybody here she gave me this box and it set on it for Sundy no a PS I love you this should help a lot of people believe me you can’t and it can get a lot of great results so watch this thing just to show you this here unique contraption. I want to show it to you you take this it’s a rake put the rake in like this alright. You plug it in like this and then watch you turn this thing on sparks fly and look you touch it and if you can see this up and it hurts a little bit but and it has higher power and what it does it’s supposed to stimulate I’m gonna shut it off now but what it does it’s supposed to stimulate your scalp did it yeah it’s stimulated my scalp, I did it everyday my hair smelled a little burnt a little bit had that little burnt smell to it but did it stimulate the scalp yeah did it do anything I don’t know that’s the things that happen in life when you’re trying to grow your hair it’s very difficult at time to see if it’s doing something if it’s slowing it down or not but I did try everything humanly possible and eventually I did keep losing hair and now understand something.
I was in the field of being a hairdresser and also in the field of adding hair when I say adding hair meaning anything to do with Hair weaves, Hair extensions, Hair systems of any sorts you know back then they even had hair units or hair pieces Wigs all of that stuff so I was in that industry so then eventually as I started losing more and more hair not letting anyone know bothered me I started making myself something and I started adding hair in a very subtle way and what I did I had to creep into it so what I did by creeping into it while I was in the Hair Studio slash salon. I would add little hair and then wear the hair while I was at work and then when I went left to go home I would remove it because I didn’t have enough nerve to walk outside so then eventually. I wear the hair get in the car and drive home soon as I got home I would remove it it was something I made that was you can apply and remove okay and they didn’t want anyone to notice so I made something very subtle myself from scratch and that’s why only ward at work then before you know it. I wore it at work and drove home with it so as I got home I removed it then before you know it ward at work drove home with it kept it on until the pajamas came on okay – eventually I used into it okay until eventually.
I got used to it so why do I tell you this I tell you this because I really connect I understand you have to have gone through this to understand what people go through when they lose their hair both men and women all right. There’s a lot of men that get very upset about it and they just it’s not them not to have hair and I do understand with women that it’s even worse because with women it’s not acceptable so I do connect with people that’s why I’m telling you this story I very deeply connect with people what they go through and the difficult transition that it is all right and in one of my future videos I’m going to talk about how to create a very subtle transformation that’s in a couple more videos from now. Because that’s how you get used to it you got to do stuff that’s safe and you have to do stuff that’s very slow easing into it that’s why I told you that whole story okay.
So eventually what happened to me as the years went by I eventually lost all my hair that’s me you can see that okay eventually loss on my hair and then I eventually created this revolutionary concept called Hair Stranding which you can see on our videos and hair straining is something that I invented from scratch really connecting with people and people would ask me oh is that why you invented it. I didn’t invent it for myself you might say and intensified me to dig into it and to invent something but I really connected with people and I felt really bad people going through hair loss so I really invented the hair stranding really to help the mass public and of course myself too and it intensified it being in the same situation so that’s my story of the hair elevation story.
So our quote for today is ‘Don’t do things in priority but what you believe is a priority that counts’ what does that mean everything in life has a priority we’re all very busy we have tons of things to do and the way to be able to handle everything is to prioritize stuff and when you prioritize stuff you really should prioritize what you believe you want to get done first so always do your priorities and what you believe is a priority not what other people other people tell you what is a priority okay so that’s our quote for today and stay tuned for our next video the next video is going to be about ‘When does your hair mature and what happens after that’ and I’ll see you soon.
Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego. All rights reserved.