How Does Your Hair Relate to Your Health
Hello and welcome to another limitless hair expert video tutorial where we combine both top hair expert advice and personal achievement together today’s subject is ‘How does your hair relate to your health’ now there’s two parts of this how hair relates to your health one first of all is the physical part I want to first mention that when a nutritionist has to test your level of nutrition or lack of they sometimes take a sample of your hair and the reason why they take a sample of your hair is because out of your whole body your hair believe it or not is the last source that gets to nutrition so it would be logical then to take a sample of your hair to see where you lack or how much nutrition you have.
So that tells us alone how important your hair is now also relating to health you want to keep your hair healthy keeping air healthy means to keep it moist to put some sort of nutrition into the hair itself it’s very important to do that next your hair is connected to your scalp and your scalp is part of your skin so also you should take care of your scalp now what you should do is first always keep it cleansed it’s important just like your body to keep your scalp cleanse and whenever your scalp itches it usually means it needs to be cleansed in most cases not at all but in most cases so always keep your scalp cleanse clean open also always keep your scalp moist because your scalp is part of the health of your body which is then connected to your hair ok now there’s a second part that’s psychological and that is when you take care of any part of your body it starts a chain reaction of taking care of more parts of you so number one you start with the top in reference to health meaning your yeah take care of the nutrition of your hair and the nutrition of your hair always remember whatever you eat whatever you consume also nourishes your hair so take care of the health of your hair by keeping your hair moist by putting good nutrition in your hair by keeping even a low pH balance in your hair okay
Anything low pH is healthy for your hair alright now when you do that it causes a chain reaction psychological you take care of your hair you want to take care of your scalp you want to take care of your skin and hopefully it follows through to taking care of your body and your mind all right so please keep that in mind now our quote for today is as soon as they’re able to walk hand them the broom this has significance this was told to me by my mother when I first had children and they were small before they were the walk she said to me hand them the broom as soon as they can walk if you wait after that it’s too late what does that mean it all stems into being responsible you want to raise your kids to be responsible and the best way to do that is give them responsibility at the youngest age possible now this also ties into other parts of life not just your children all right it ties into responsibilities in a previous video.
I talked about a quote from JFK John F Kennedy which said ‘Don’t ask what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country’ that all stems into responsibility the more you’re responsible for yourself the more you help yourself to more you grow the more responsible you are for yourself the more you contribute to the outside of yourself to others so please keep that in mind and stay tuned for our next limitless hair expert video which is ‘What are the best ways to prepare your hair in the morning’ and I’ll see you soon Thank you.
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