A Limitless Hair Story with NO Ending : Part 1
Hello and Welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert tutorial, My Name is Dino and I am here to tell you a story which is called ‘A Limitless Hair Story with No Ending’ now I want to explain the purpose of name or the significance of the name and then I want to explain why I am telling this story. So first lets start with the name ‘A Limitless Hair Story with No End’ the name of this story is based on me telling a story on something I have Invented that’s a revolutionary breakthrough in the industry of hair. It’s a revolutionary breakthrough for helping people who want more hair, okay. So that’s the purpose of the name of the story and it’s limitless because it took many years, actually decades to actually come up with and it’s not ending because we have lot more to do with it to get it out the industry, to get it out into the world for more people to know about it okay. Both end users meaning people that need hair and both professional’s. That’s my objective I want to share this with the professional’s, so they can get it out to the public worldwide. So that’s why it also named Endless ‘A Limitless Hair Story with No End’ because we have lot to go to get it out there. My purpose to tell this story is to educate, know I also said why I am telling this story, I would explain why. I have been asked to tell this stories many years and many people used to say – How do you invent this? How do you invent this? And I always gave them very short explanations. But then I realized that people really want to hear the story of what led you up to inventing something or coming up with something, because it helps people to understand the significance & the details of the invention. So it really very helpful, many people told me that and that’s why I am explaining this story, alright. So let’s start with the story here.
I want to take everybody through what was out in the industry in reference to helping people about their hair about feeling good about the hair, about their hair, about fixing their hair problem any sort of thing okay. It also started the first, the first thing that was out in the industries were WIGS. Wigs are existed for centuries okay and people wear wigs for the purpose of fashion, it was almost like part of their clothing wear. It was a fashionable thing to do and they wear very popular and they still remain so popular okay. So Wigs are very very important in the industry and they are still around and they still have a importance too. Then they became a hair pieces which a hair piece is a part of a wig, its a small section of a wig you might say ‘a hair piece’ that what they called a hair piece. A hair piece was made to use with your hair. Now wig is mad to cover your hair to change your entire appearance and a hair piece is to work with your hair to add to your hair in conjunction with your hair and they became very very popular.
So 1975 I became a licence Hair Dresser and immediately I not only did hair, when I say did hair, mean I cut hair, I style hair and I did hair color everything possible out there. So I not only that but i got immediately into other method or any method of adding hair and when I say adding hair I meant wigs I meant hair pieces and anything else that existed, alright. And I love to study I love to reversed engineers stuff and look at things that are popular and find out why they are popular and how they help people. So I started actually doing wigs and doing hair pieces and from there I started making them. How did I make them? I reversed engineer them. I would get different kind of wigs and i would take them a part, piece by piece to understand how they were constructed. Then i did the same thing with a hair pieces took them a part piece by piece and then I started changing them a little bit, alright. I was taking things about them that were good and using them and altering them a little bit to make them a little bit better and it really very very helpful and i was very helpful to lot of people, because i was improving a way and I was improving a hair piece. In a way of improving it I was really making it lighter, because i found that the lighter worn the head the less you can see and find them and the more comfortable they are also. So that’s what i actually did.
Now the next thing i found out because remember i love this study i study massively so i studied the industry massively and i found out about some pretty remarkable called a ‘Hair weave‘ alright back then and even back then now we’ve more invented out very very very roughly about ten years before and they were hardly known so the explaining what a hair with his for people that don’t know it . Two women from leave in Ohio actually invented hair weaving all right and it was about ten years before 1975 but still hair weaving was known but that known that much and they did something remarkable it was a revolutionary breakthrough and i want to explain why, all right. A weave was the first method to add hair that stayed on your head all other method before that we’re adding hair ,a hair piece, a wig putting hair on top of which you attached and took off.
A hair weave was the first method that was a attach to your head and stayed on. Now this was a major breakthrough and the reason why i was a major breakthrough is because to keep something on as part have you makes it feels like it’s part of you and has a big psychological positive effect because, if now you put hair on and you go to sleep with the hair, so taking it off and you go on a shower the hair and taking off and you dive in the water with the hair and it’s part of you it makes a big gigantic leap in the way you feel about yourself, because you start to for get that it’s not your hair that it’s all your here so that was a major breakthrough and what they didn’t with hair weaving is they corn road your hair when you see now these two black women there were which black women you very well had a corn row hair which our breeds that are down against your scalp and they took the corn rose made them a little smaller and they made something called a wafting. Today known as a track a wafting is a strip of hair they took hair ran it through a machine and tie here together to make a strip of hair.
Now it’s known in the industry also at hair extensions we’re going to get to that a later a so now they made these strips of the air called wefts and what they did is the show the wefts onto the cornrows and because they so made on, what happened was now the hair was part of the client, part of their hair, where they can sleep but then and wake up with it so that was a major breakthrough because again it was the first step of having hair put on your had that stayed there ok. So now one more thing about this story i forgot to mention this the story is going to be broken up into different parts this story right now called ‘a limitless hair story with no ending is part one’ and the reason why and breaking it up and part is because i try to keep these videos around five seven eight minutes to make more palpable because we’re all very busy and i want to extend the video into a half hours and hours, i tried not even though i turned off before but i breaking these out into parts.
So it’s more comfortable for you so if you want to go from one video to the next you can or you can watch one video on one day and the other video on another day. So this story right now in limitless hair story with no ending is going to have parts to it, at this time i don’t know how many parts but this one right now is a limitless hair story part one and i’m going to end a story right now and i’m going to pick up with the neither filming of a limitless hair story with no ending part 2 and then i want to my part three and etc okay. Now in the next one called limitless hair story with no ending that is going to be part 2 and i will explain how that one invention. Hair weaving that was a major breakthroughs how that the story lead into another invention and i want to explain everything sudden very important people when something these invented it induces somebody else to invent something outs at another level and that’s how i invented my invention alright which you can always look at my website to see it but i wanna leave up to that, i couldn’t invent want i invented if this other people didn’t invent something like hair weaving ans this other methods come up with before of miss studying history and reversed engineering things that became a stepping stone into me eventually inventing something revolutionary today alright. So it very important people when people invent something studied to else to invent something better at another level, so the next video part 2 of a limitless hair story no ending is going to talk about, I gonna talk about how Hair weaving was taken on someone inventing on some another level, so please watch the next video called a limitless hair story with no ending, and see you soon.
Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego. All rights reserved.