What to consume to take care of your hair
The foods that you consume affect not just your skin and nails, but also your hair. Poor nutrition may result to bad hair days. Yes, you read it right. It may cause damage that’s evident in dry, brittle hair losing its brilliance. The rituals that you do may help, but a perfect diet will make a great impact in maintaining your hair. Eat balanced-diet that consists protein, essential vitamins and minerals to achieve healthy hair.
Vitamin A. This provides moisture to the scalp and acts as a lubricant to reduce dryness. Foods rich in this vitamin are:
Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel
Spinach, carrots, butternut squash, apricots, red peppers and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin B-5. This restore hair to a healthy, shiny appearance. Foods that rich in Vitamin B-5:
Nuts, in moderation throughout the day
Eggs, for breakfast
Brown rice, with lever
Protein. This helps restore damaged, brittle hair and prevents hair loss as to the fact that hair is made of protein. Thus, it needs nutrients for its proper growth. The following are rich protein-rich foods.
Lean beef, chicken, turkey, fish, egg, nuts and seeds
Important to do that you need to speak with a physician first, before taking any supplements.