Five TIPS to Keep your Hair InvisaBlend Hair Healthy and Beautiful


Five Tips to Keep your Hair InvisaBlend Hair Healthy and Beautiful


  • Parallel Principle – Everything that is best for all your own hair is also best when you have InvisaBlend too. Therefore there is no difference in everything you do with all your own hair or with having InvisaBlend.

  • Best Brush or comb to use – The wider teeth of a brush or comb the better. No balls or stubs within the teeth of the brush or comb. The wider the teeth of a brush or comb the less tension on your hair, therefore the smoother the brushing or combing with any tension while brushing or combing. For detailed instruction on the best brushing or combing methods contact us at

  • How to Brush or comb – No matter what length your hair is—Brush always from the bottom up or skimming through the hair first without brushing deep first, and then as you are brushing upwards and deeper from the bottom up continue until you reach the scalp, and then brush from the scalp through all the hair. Never pulling or feeling any tension while any brushing or combing. Be mindful of this always to avail any breakage or split-ends. Contact us for the make & model of the best brush in the world at

  • Lubricate and moisturize – Hair needs moisture just like your skin. Using a leave-in condition is best because moisture stays on the hair. When a leave-on conditioner makes your skin moist without being oily and goes away by seeping into your skin then it will do the same with your hair—meaning moisturize your hair by going into your hair shafts. Contact us for product recommendation at

  • Shampooing and conditioning – Shampoos and conditioners should not have Sulfates or salts known as Sodium Chloride, which most products have. Hair should first be brush thoroughly and properly, and then shampoo and conditioner must be applied by just spreading these through instead of scribing. Shampoo does the cleaning without scribing. Scribing causes a negative effect. Conditioners just make your hair feel silky, therefore easy to run your fingers through wet or dry. Direction on some of the best shampoos and or condition along with detained instructions can be obtained at

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Limitless Hair Attraction Book - Who Is This For?


“Who will make this successful?” 

And the answer to this question is the professionals who are willing to take on something new and follow through. The meaning behind following through is to follow the steps given within the video training—one of which is to educate your public by sharing the videos of this advanced technology. It’s the businesses and professionals who stay up to date and current who continually grow.

Such businesses that take on this unique concept also, of course, must to do a little homework by looking at the specific details within the videos on to see if you, as a business owner, connect with this concept. If you see a vast improvement on what this concept is in comparison to any and all other methods of adding hair, you have passed qualification #1. This is “Connecting”, and step one of “Who is this for?”


Limitless Hair Expert - How to Brush Hair in the Most Healthy Way


Hello, Dino here. The subject today is called how to brush your hair in the most healthy way. What I’ve found is most people don’t know how to properly comb or brush their hair in a healthy way, and they don’t what comb or brush is healthiest for their hair.


The wider the teeth of a brush or comb, the less pressure on hair and the more healthy for hair. The closer the teeth, the more tension on the hair, making it less healthy.


This is an example of a wide tooth brush. Notice the teeth are far apart. In addition there are no obstructions, there are no balls at the end, the teeth are far apart. This makes this the best brush.


The brush that has teeth that are wide apart glides through your hair with less pressure, with less tension, and has less possibility of popping or breaking any of your hairs.


This also pertains to a comb. The wider the tooth of the comb, the healthier for your hair. Same principle. So please remember, when you’re brushing your hair, use a wide tooth comb or brush. It doesn’t matter the length of your hair.


Now secondly, methods of brushing your hair. You always brush from the bottom and work your way up. If you get caught in a snag, you skim the service first, and then you brush deeper and deeper until you get through the hair. And then you work your way up higher and brush the surface, deeper and deeper. If you get caught in a snag, always skim the surface before your brush deeper. By doing this it will cause less tension and you won’t see those snapped hairs. Some people have those little squiggly hairs, those are from brushing improperly.


Please remember, if you brush properly your hair will be in better condition than it’s ever been in and you won’t see those snapped hairs.


The quote for the day, “It’s what you know learn after you know everything that counts.”


A famous quote by a famous basketball coach named John Wooden. What it means is that after you master something, there’s always additional levels of understanding. It’s the expert that digs deeper that learns more. So please give that quote some thought.


Stay tuned for our next video that will be about how to evaluate the different methods of hair addition.