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5″ x 4″


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Order  takes 8-9 weeks (Custom Made)

SKU IBMS54 Category Tag


These Invisablend® Micro Strand® hair systems have ONE human hairs at a time attached to the Micro Strands—which have diamond shape openings to bring your own hair through these openings.  This creates a perfectly balance natural blend of the hair color and hair texture you select—to create the look of your desire.

Sleep, shampoo, swim and perform any activities. You can keep the hair blending with your hair up to one month.
Or… you can remove and reapply as frequently as desired.

100% high quality human hair which enables you to do virtually anything you can do with your own hair. Use any products, color the hair, flat iron, curling iron, let dry naturally, cut the hair and style any way you desire.  You’ll enjoy full flexibility!