
Scalp - Down Brushing - Advance Benefit Blogs - InvisaBlend


Scalp - Down Brushing

Hello Dino here again and today this is Advanced Benefit number eight and that is “Scalp Down brushing” scalp down brushing is very important and only exists through hair stranding right through the technique of Hair Stranding through InvisaBlend very important here's the reason why all other methods of adding hair most of them you cannot brush all the way down to the scalp and if you can brush down to your scalp you're not getting all the way down to the scalp now from a health perspective you need to brush all the way down to the scalp, all the way out to the end you always want to do that.

So here's the important part about scalp down brushing because of the micro strand this here is the micro strand that is finished what I mean by that it's finished after the hair is applied alright first we make the micro strand which is not here right now on the shows you see that on the other video but this is the micro channel flip, it over for you that shows you the micro strand from the inside but when you flip it this way and you look it sort of disappears alright.

Now here's what's important about the micro strand member the micro strand is a filament as thin as one single human hair if you were standing in front of me and you looked at one single micro strand you would say that's a hair you would touch it you would feel it you would crumble it in your hand to say that's a hair it was invented to look and feel and be identical like a hair, but remember what I said in other previous videos it's ten times stronger than a hair and it's translucent I mean you can see through the fiber itself so that way when it lays down against the scalp you don't see it so because it's so soft it molds to your head as your hair is being blended through and it allows you to do something that you can't do with anything else you can scrape the brush right down into the scalp, scalp down brushing from scalp all the way through so not only can you do that but you should do that because it's healthy and remember hair stranding was invented most of all to be healthy for your existing hair and healthy for your scalp that's what's most important

So please remember this important principle scalp down brushing for our next video which will be advanced benefit number nine is the attachment called “Strand Locking” the lightest finest safest attachment in existence and you're going to find this very interesting and there's three attachments but we're going to cover one at a time I'll see you on the next video.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Scalp Access - Advance Benefit Blogs - InvisaBlend


InvisaBlend allows 100% full scalp access!

Hello and Welcome to 'Advanced Benefit' number four "Scalp access" this is another very important thing that doesn't exist anywhere else it's very important to have full scalp access think about this all methods of adding hair they all have one thing in common they all add hair but cause you to remove or lose hair in the process and everyone knows this nowadays so it's important is to keep your existing hair and scalp healthy one of the elements of keeping it healthy is to have full 100% scalp access. So as a reminder I'm going to hold up the micro stand again hard to see hard to feel I want it to be logical to the audience here that if this is in between your hair and down against your scalp and all your hair is blended between this logically.

Would you have full scalp access and the answer is obviously YES, so this is between your hair and between your hair and down into your scalp this has to be obvious to you the viewer that you're going to have full access to your scalp why number one for health reasons you want to be able to touch your scalp easily and get right down to the scalp you want to be able to put a scalp treatment on a moisturizer on and easily get immediately right down to the scalp that's very very important, even progressing even past that if you want to use any kind of treatment to help stimulate your growth hair stranding is the only method that will allow you to add hair have the hair you want to have while simultaneously stimulating your hair growth, why because this is the only method that you can add hair and still have a hundred percent access to the scalp,

Even if you went to a doctor and akhom treatments in they would have 100% easy access to the scalp so that's why you can add the hair you want and do scalp treatments or hair growth treatments of any kind and still get down to the scalp so that way you can have your hair and see if you can grow it to at the same time so please remember that full scalp access is very important it doesn't exist anywhere else but through this method called hair stranding so please watch our next video advanced benefit number five and that is 'Stimulate Hair Growth' and I'll see you soon

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


How Often ONE should Wash their Hair & Shampoo Tips For Oily Scalp - Limitless Hair Expert

Subscribe : http://bit.ly/2ss4EJC : Hair Stranding : http://bit.ly/2fLxXnA .Know the actual factors one should consider before shampooing their hair. In this latest Limitless Hair Expert video, Hair Expert Dino has explained how often one should shampoo their hair and what factors one should consider.

How Often ONE should Wash their Hair & Shampoo Tips For Oily Scalp - Hair Expert Dino

Hello. And welcome to another series of the Limitless Hair Expert, where we combined hair expertise and self-improvement together. And I'm Dino, so today's subject is “How Do You Know How Often To Shampoo Your Hair” alright because a lot of people asks have asked me through the years how often shampoo my hair can I shampoo my hair too much too little, okay.

Now everyone's a little different but there's two keys to how often to shampoo your hair one is, sort of the environment meaning dust around you, dirt around you or you putting stuff on your hair the more stuff you put on your hair a little bit more often you should shampoo just to clean the stuff off the surface alright, that's one.

The other key is really your oil point glands which is your sebaceous gland the oils from your scalp this is important because most people think the oils from your scalp are healthy actually they're waste they're actually waste coming out of your scalp and the oil itself on your scalp is not healthy.

Now, if you take the oil out of the scalp and you put it on the hair shaft then yeah then it's going to moisturize it, but that's not what just happens normally the oils secrete out of the scalp and they lay down on your scalp that part is not healthy and the reason why is underneath your scalp there's something called a hair bulb so let's say this here is the surface of your scalp this is underneath your scalp most people think your hair is into your scalp tight it's not what happens is that the hair is into the scalp loose and there's a little fibers on the wall on the hair bulb and those fibers hold in the hair and underneath.

That is actually your sebaceous gland which is your oil gland and that particular gland secretes oil fills up the hair bulb almost like a little glass while the hair is sitting in while the hair is attached to little fibers on the wall so the more that fills up and stays there the more eats away at the fiber and causes the hair to shed quicker so the reason why I'm bringing that up is because you should shampoo your hair as often as you need in reference to how oil in your scalp gets., okay.

Now, I want to say one thing about that you also have to be careful on which shampoos you use there's sulfate shampoos sulfates mean detergents alright there's sodium chloride is really salt and they put them in shampoos also to do more thorough cleaning so sulfates sodium chloride / softs what they are they're deep cleansers and they clean the scout really good but they over clean the scalp and if you over clean the scout what happens you cause the oil gland to secrete more oil because you over cleaned it or you cleaned it with something harsh so what do you do you look for shampoos that don't have sulfates sodium chloride read the ingredients, okay.

And you find shampoos that are more gentle when shampoos are more gentle they clean the scalp and the hair and a better way that don't cause the oil gland to over secrete more oils okay so keep that in mind and that's what you should do you should clean your scalp as often as it needs it or shampoo your hair as often as it's needed and why is it needed again because you could be putting a lot of stuff on it your hair could be dirty from stuff on top of there or could be that your oil glands are secreting a little bit more often.

So if you go a week and your scalps on oily you can go weak alright if you go a couple days in your scalp so oily or a day in this counseling you should shampoo it lightly with a non-sulfate non sodium chloride shampoo alright so keep that in mind now our quote for today is by Brian Tracy and it is the healthiest personality gets along with the widest range of people so what does that mean remember you want to always improve your personality improve yourself.

And one way of doing that is to understand people and understand more and more different people how they think how they feel so when you connect with more different kind of people your personality gets along with a wider range of people and your personality grows so please keep that in mind.

Now stay tuned for our very next series of the limitless hair expert and that will be about the best ways to evaluate any hair system. And I'll see you soon. Thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.