Five TIPS to Keep your Hair InvisaBlend Hair Healthy and Beautiful


Five Tips to Keep your Hair InvisaBlend Hair Healthy and Beautiful


  • Parallel Principle – Everything that is best for all your own hair is also best when you have InvisaBlend too. Therefore there is no difference in everything you do with all your own hair or with having InvisaBlend.

  • Best Brush or comb to use – The wider teeth of a brush or comb the better. No balls or stubs within the teeth of the brush or comb. The wider the teeth of a brush or comb the less tension on your hair, therefore the smoother the brushing or combing with any tension while brushing or combing. For detailed instruction on the best brushing or combing methods contact us at

  • How to Brush or comb – No matter what length your hair is—Brush always from the bottom up or skimming through the hair first without brushing deep first, and then as you are brushing upwards and deeper from the bottom up continue until you reach the scalp, and then brush from the scalp through all the hair. Never pulling or feeling any tension while any brushing or combing. Be mindful of this always to avail any breakage or split-ends. Contact us for the make & model of the best brush in the world at

  • Lubricate and moisturize – Hair needs moisture just like your skin. Using a leave-in condition is best because moisture stays on the hair. When a leave-on conditioner makes your skin moist without being oily and goes away by seeping into your skin then it will do the same with your hair—meaning moisturize your hair by going into your hair shafts. Contact us for product recommendation at

  • Shampooing and conditioning – Shampoos and conditioners should not have Sulfates or salts known as Sodium Chloride, which most products have. Hair should first be brush thoroughly and properly, and then shampoo and conditioner must be applied by just spreading these through instead of scribing. Shampoo does the cleaning without scribing. Scribing causes a negative effect. Conditioners just make your hair feel silky, therefore easy to run your fingers through wet or dry. Direction on some of the best shampoos and or condition along with detained instructions can be obtained at

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


8 Foods That Could Help Your Hair Grow Faster


Whether you’re in the midst of trying to recover your strands from a misguided cut or simply want longer locks, you may have a hard time patiently waiting for your hair to grow. (We’ve been there.)

Luckily, unlike the watched pot that never boils, concentrating on your hair growth can yield actual results, particularly when it comes to strategic eating. Here are eight foods that make your hair grow, recommended by Harvard and Yale Medical School-trained nutritionist Jayson Calton, PhD, and licensed nutritionist and fitness chef Mira Calton, CN.



1. Salmon: This fish is loaded with the strong hair supporters like Vitamin D and protein, but it also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote hair growth by keeping your scalp healthy.




2. Yellow Peppers: Yellow bell peppers have nearly five and a half times more vitamin C than oranges (341 milligrams, as opposed to 63). This is good news for your locks since vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens the hair shaft and hair follicles, as well as prevents breakage.



3. Oysters: Zinc deficiency has been noted to cause hair loss and poor scalp conditions and oysters are loaded with zinc — just three ounces contain 493 percent of your daily value. But not just any oysters will do: Steer clear of the ones caught in the Gulf of Mexico, which may contain unusually high levels of Cadmium due to the 2010 BP oil spill.


4. Eggs: Eggs are an excellent source of those aforementioned omega-3s, and they are also contain biotin (which many people trying to grow their hair take in supplement form). But, just so you’re aware, it’s not the egg white that will make your hair long and beautiful, it’s the yolk. Eating too many egg whites can actually block the absorption of biotin into the body, causing a depletion of this micronutrient.




5. Sunflower Seeds: Just a few little seeds can supply you with an abundance of vitamin E, which will enhance blood flow to the scalp and promote faster hair growth.



6. Sweet Potatoes: These are loaded with beta carotene, the precursor for vitamin A that not only promotes a healthy scalp but  promotes hair growth. But choose foods loaded with beta carotene over supplementing with high doses — like over 2500 milligrams — of vitamin A from retinol since it can be toxic at very high levels.



7.  Avocados: Due to their high concentration of essential fatty acids naturally found in skin cells (which help to keep your skin smooth and supple), avocados are an age-old beauty secret. When topically applied to the hair and scalp, they have the added ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Mix a little avocado with sour cream (which contains lactic acid to help exfoliate dead skin and clean up buildup on the scalp) and apply to your hair and scalp for about ten minutes before washing it off.



8. Almonds: These nuts will make your hair grow faster and thicker due to their high biotin content. One cup contains nearly one-third of your daily requirement. You should be able to see the results in a month or two of adding them to your diet.





Compared to other hair loss treatments, Hair-stranding doesn’t compromise the beauty of you natural hair.  It maintains and improves your natural hair while the additional strands of hair are already present.



The American Hair Loss Association estimates that women make up roughly 40 percent of Americans experiencing thinning hair and the majority of women will experience some thinning by midlife — putting it right up there with menopause, weight gain, dry skin and wrinkles.