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What Are the True Details About Every Method in Existence - Limitless Hair Expert | Invisablend


What Are the True Details About Every Method in Existence

Hi Dino here welcome to another limitless hair expert video today's subject is 'What are the true details about every attachment in existence' now what I mean by attachment is there's many different ways of adding hair and you always have to separate the way they're adding hair meaning how are they adding hair are they adding hair from a track or they adding hair from a unit from a little section and you have to separate that from how it's being attached. So I just want to talk about attachment now there's many different attachments but they're really all broken down into separate categories alright.

There's many names of different attachments but I'm just going to talk about the categories, category one is they bond the attachment alright bond or tape is really basically the same thing because tape is really paper with glue on it okay. So whenever they bond hair on you alright that is very risky for your own hair there's a very high probability when you bond hair on that you're going to lose some of your own hair okay. So be very careful and be very aware that there's many different names of different attachments but if they're using a bond or a glue or a tape of some sort they all fall under the same category of bonding and any of the solvents that they use to remove the bond or the tape will definitely come off but it's going to take some of your hair off with it that's category number one in attachment category number two is they also use some sort of bead so as an example they use a bead and the beads on here you can see that and it's a bead that has to be made from some sort of metal and the metal is put onto the end of the hair attached to your hair and then crushed and they have an apparatus this being one that goes in and read versus the bend but even when you reverse the bend what it does it still doesn't release it totally and you still get hair loss from it.

So there also will be many names under this different ways of bending something on your head something metal and also that will cause hair loss so always be very careful of that and the last thing I want to say is when you use a bond or a tape it could be okay it's long as long as it's on a complete bald area when I say complete bald area I mean bald like the palm of your hand they give this put tape on your hand or bandaid on your hand comes off no ouch put it on your arm where you have a little hair ouch so you can use tape or bond when attaching hair but it should be on a complete bald area as bold as the palm of your hand and even then you should never do full bond you should do a bond or tape on small areas so please remember those details. 

Now a quote for today is the following what you do is contagious to yourself but more important contagious to others and what that basically means people learn from you basically by what you do especially our children all right so what you do makes a bigger statement than what you say now for our next limitless hair expert video that will be 'What are the five benefits you should look into before adding hair' and I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


How to Increase the Value of Yourself through Your Hair


Hello Dino here and welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video tutorial and my name is Dino and today's subject is “How to Increase the value of Yourself through your Hair” now value of yourself is very important. I actually got this from ‘Joel Olsteen’ I was watching one of his shows and I noticed that he talked about value and how important it is and I want to sort of tie it into your appearance - all right so how do you increase your value and number, one value comes from internally, it does not come from possessions, it does not come from your position, all right. It does not come from things you get alright, it comes first from inside you have to value yourself inside first and then you do stuff exterior.

So me being in the hair business since 1975 one thing, I've noticed dealing with thousands of people trying to help thousands of people having thousands of consultations what I've noticed is that a lot of people would come in and they would love the concept all right whatever I was doing at that time but they didn't want to make the step now I can understand if they didn't have the money and then I try to help them in any way I can but when they do have the money and they like the concept and they feel like they shouldn't do it or they're not sure if they can do it they're not valuing themselves enough alright so you have to value yourself first and understand the value of yourself when you understand the value of yourself then the other things will boost your value but the main core of your value comes from internal alright

So things that you get your performance that you produce your position and even your popularity all of that should not create your value it should just induce or boost your value so I hope that makes sense to you when it comes to hair when it comes to your appearance all right what I want you to do is value yourself and if you value yourself you will then take care of yourself and I really believe everybody should take care of themselves from giving themselves good food taking care of the body taking care of their mind taking care of their hair taking care of your appearance when you do that then you'll be able to grow yourself better so take care of your appearance it's very very important and of course I'm a hair guy start with your hair okay

So now our quote for today is take charge of your appearance and your appearance will elevate you what does that mean when you take care of your appearance on a consistent basis what happens it consistently makes you feel better about yourself and the better you feel about yourself the more your self-esteem Rises so your appearance has a lot to do with how you feel although you should still value yourself first and then take care of your appearance okay let's not forget that so take care of your appearance and work on your appearance and it'll make you feel better and it'll boost your self-esteem as I said before all right so I invite you to the next video and that videos is called do you think about your hair more than 10 minutes a day so please I hope I can see you there thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


DIY Hair Elasticity Test-Simple & Effective Tips For Lost Hair Elasticity - Limitless Hair Expert


Know The Importance Of Elasticity in Hair and how anyone can easily test the elasticity of Hair. Hair Expert Dino has explained the significance of Hair Elasticity and Best Tips and Advice to Regain Lost Elasticity. Subscribe Now !!!!!

DIY Hair Elasticity Test-Simple & Effective Tips For Lost Hair Elasticity - Hair Expert Dino

Hello, Dino here again. And welcome again to another series of the Limitless Hair Expert. Important? Now. The elasticity of your hair is important because it gives its strength, your hair on your head stretches like a fresh elastic band, it stretches and reverts back and if you want to test the health of your hair. The best way to test the elasticity is when the hair is wet. You can test it when it’s dry but when it’s dry it has less elasticity when it’s wet it has more elasticity or more stretch ability, alright.

So when your hair is wet if you pull your hair a little bit and let it go it should spring back quick. The more you can pull it and let go the faster it springs back the more healthy your hair is, the slower it springs back the less healthy your hair, okay. So think of a fresh elastic band, you stretch it, boy, it goes right back, okay. So that’s the elasticity of your hair and it very, very important, when the elasticity is strong it could take more pressure, it could take more bushing, it could take more handling, conversely when the elasticity is weak or not so good, it breaks easier, you have to be more delicate with the hair, you have to be more careful with the hair.

So what I want you to do next when your hair is wet or wet your hair, I want you to test the elasticity of your hair maybe in spot, maybe in several spots and see how the elasticity is. The weaker the elasticity the more I want you to be careful with your hair, the way you brush it, the way you comb through it, the way you handle it, be a little bit more careful, in general you should be careful and you should brush your comb with the wide toothbrush or comb as I stated in another videos. But test your elasticity and then direct yourself to be a little bit more careful when your elasticity is less.

Now if your elasticity is weak then what you want to do is try to find a protein shampoo, a protein conditioners, protein strengthens, alright. Protein strengthens your muscles, protein strengthens your hair, so the more you can put a protein conditioner, a protein treatment on the hair you can improve the elasticity of your hair, alright. So if your elasticity is weak try to put some sort of protein conditioner or better yet protein treatment in your hair, okay.

So our quote for today is, when the big things come first, you know what you’re doing. So that’s a quote by myself, but I want to example what that means with a little bit of a metaphor, alright or story. And that is, there is the story of this professor that had this students and that we’re talking time management and how to get important things done. And what the professor did he pull out this large ways and he in gently pour this big boulders into the ways without breaking the ways.

Money fill the ways with the big rocks he said to the student is the ways filled, student yield that and says yes, he didn’t say anything, he took another bucket that had smaller rocks, pour them in gently the smaller rock trigger through the big rocks and filled the ways again, he said to the student is that ways filled, is the ways filled, they said no. Now they quote on, so then he then took another and he pour another bucket that is and now we poured sand, the sand trigger through the big rocks and the little rocks fill up the ways he said to the student, is the ways filled, they said no then took water pour the water, the water trigger through the sand, through the little rocks, the big rocks and filled up the ways.

Then he said what does this mean to the student and the student says do the small things in life and he said no. If I did this in reverse I will never get the big rocks in and what the means is do the important things the big things in life first because if you put off the big things in life the little things will caught up all your time and you’ll never get the big things done. So please remember that, it’s very, very important. And stay tune for our next video which is how do you know, how often to shampoo your hair. And I’ll see you soon. Thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Are Hair Loss Concealers a Safer Option For Bald Spots & Thinning Hair? - Limitless Hair Expert

Are Hair Loss Concealers a Safer Option For Bald Spots & Thinning Hair? - Limitless Hair Expert

there are concealers out there that's the technical term, concealers are technically the powders that they put on your hair, there's all different name brands because it's very successful and I'll tell you why in a moment.



Compared to other hair loss treatments, Hair-stranding doesn’t compromise the beauty of you natural hair.  It maintains and improves your natural hair while the additional strands of hair are already present.

Growing Hair Verses Adding Hair - Limitless Hair Expert

Growing Hair Verses Adding Hair - Limitless Hair Expert

when somebody has hair loss to torn a little bit between finding out how to grow their hair versus do they need to add hair, now here's how you should evaluate this in reference to hair growth.

More Hair volume the healthy way - Exercise and InvisaBlend

More Hair volume the healthy way - Exercise and InvisaBlend

More Hair volume the healthy way - Exercise and InvisaBlend Method will help you to grow your hair more healthy. Exercising increases hair growth though relieving stress and increasing blood flow.