increase your hair lenght

How to Increase the Value of Yourself through Your Hair


Hello Dino here and welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video tutorial and my name is Dino and today's subject is “How to Increase the value of Yourself through your Hair” now value of yourself is very important. I actually got this from ‘Joel Olsteen’ I was watching one of his shows and I noticed that he talked about value and how important it is and I want to sort of tie it into your appearance - all right so how do you increase your value and number, one value comes from internally, it does not come from possessions, it does not come from your position, all right. It does not come from things you get alright, it comes first from inside you have to value yourself inside first and then you do stuff exterior.

So me being in the hair business since 1975 one thing, I've noticed dealing with thousands of people trying to help thousands of people having thousands of consultations what I've noticed is that a lot of people would come in and they would love the concept all right whatever I was doing at that time but they didn't want to make the step now I can understand if they didn't have the money and then I try to help them in any way I can but when they do have the money and they like the concept and they feel like they shouldn't do it or they're not sure if they can do it they're not valuing themselves enough alright so you have to value yourself first and understand the value of yourself when you understand the value of yourself then the other things will boost your value but the main core of your value comes from internal alright

So things that you get your performance that you produce your position and even your popularity all of that should not create your value it should just induce or boost your value so I hope that makes sense to you when it comes to hair when it comes to your appearance all right what I want you to do is value yourself and if you value yourself you will then take care of yourself and I really believe everybody should take care of themselves from giving themselves good food taking care of the body taking care of their mind taking care of their hair taking care of your appearance when you do that then you'll be able to grow yourself better so take care of your appearance it's very very important and of course I'm a hair guy start with your hair okay

So now our quote for today is take charge of your appearance and your appearance will elevate you what does that mean when you take care of your appearance on a consistent basis what happens it consistently makes you feel better about yourself and the better you feel about yourself the more your self-esteem Rises so your appearance has a lot to do with how you feel although you should still value yourself first and then take care of your appearance okay let's not forget that so take care of your appearance and work on your appearance and it'll make you feel better and it'll boost your self-esteem as I said before all right so I invite you to the next video and that videos is called do you think about your hair more than 10 minutes a day so please I hope I can see you there thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Know Why Your Hair Length is NOT Growing Anymore - Hair Expert Dino


Step into the light with us to know Why does your hair stops growing in length. Know the real reason how and why your hair length gets stunted after a certain time. Know the ACTUAL REASON for STUNTED HAIR LENGTH AND HOW TO ENSURE YOU HAIR KEEPS GROWING.

Know Why Your Hair Length is NOT Growing Anymore

Hello, Dino here. And welcome to another episode of the Limitless Hair Expert, where we combine expert advice and self-improvement together. And today's subject is how and why your hair can't grow now this is important a lot of people think their hair is not growing, okay your hair is always growing alright what happens is that there's a growth cycle every individual hair on your head has a life cycle of about three years.

Now when you get older it shortens a little bit but let's take the average of about three years so you have hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head and every individual hair on your head only lives an average of about three years then a new hair is under comes underneath it and pushes the old one out that's, sort of, like a tooth like when your kids and new tooth pushes the other one out when that one pushes the other one out that one grows in, okay.

And you have many hundreds of thousands of hairs all taking their turns growing out pushing the other one out so what that means you'll never have all your hairs the same one they'll always be little different hairs all through your head because you have hairs taking turns growing out they're not going to just grow out and catch up, alright there's going to be one hair growing out that's a half inch another one's going out to six inch another, let's go about this eight inch.

So you're going to have all these different hairs alright, that's normal to happen alright, so that's if your hair is always growing all right but now what happens as you get older and depending on your genetic structure what happens is that as these hairs grow sometimes some hairs establish a new maximum length what does that mean a new maximum length means some heirs will grow out to only six inch and stop another he'll grow out to two inches stop another hair will grow out to 15 inches stop so it depends on how long your hair is if you're a lady and you got fifteen inches, you're going to start to notice  the ends are kind of thin.

And that's because all of your hairs will not keep growing some will keep growing some another 25 inch maybe alright and some hairs will go to 18 inches only and some grow only grow to 6 inches they're all establishing a new maximum length not along some will keep growing alright but some won't some will grow to a point and stop alright. And then it'll live until the new hair pushes that one out, alright.

So that kind of caused you to feel like your hair is not growing alright, it happened to me too to explain my story when I was young I had hair down to my shoulders I can't grow besides any longer it goes a little my hair, let me get straggly alright it established a new maximum length so it gets straggling when it grows over years I just trim it because I don't like to straggling this on it, alright. So that's our subject about hair growth and how and why hair grows or doesn't grow, okay.

Now, we're quote for today is the following this is very important and that is gratitude is reciprocal now I heard this from Matthew McConaughey and act the actor and I also heard this from Tony Robbins interviewing a guy named Sir John Templeton and they both made a strong comment about it, alright.

The actor made a comment that gratitude is reciprocal and I thought that was very interesting because what he said it's a scientific fact that gratitude is reciprocal and what he meant by that is that when you're grateful more things come to you because your minds more open to seeing good things and being grateful you cannot be mad at the same time you cannot be negative at the same time when you're grateful your mind sees better things and therefore better things come back to you okay and Sir John Templeton just to let you know he's a billionaire, alright or he was he's passed away, since.

Now but he's a bill he was interviewed by Tony Robbins at one time and Tony Robbins answered the question what is the secret to wealth and he says Tony you know this it's gratitude so Sir John Templeton he was somebody that was crowned in England for being very grateful for giving away and helping many people that's why his name is Sir John Templeton, alright.

So he was always very grateful for what he had no matter how little he had because he was a self-made billionaire actually so he started off with nothing but he was always grateful and to be grateful even when you have nothing but in reality we always have something to be grateful for the more you're grateful the more stuff comes to you all right so always remember that, okay.

So stay tuned for our next video which is “How your self-concept will empower your appearance”. And I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.