Hair Loss Solutions

What Holds Each Hair Into Your Head - Limitless Hair Expert


Do You Know What Holds Each Hair Into Your Head

Hello Dino here and welcome again to another limitless hair expert video and today's subject is 'What holds each hair into your head' alright this is very interesting and something that usually isn't explained very well or very deeply in this case and I'm going to tie this to the health of your hair because it's very very important. I want everyone to knows something the hair that's coming out of your head sits inside a bulb. I want you I'm gonna hold my finger up like this and this is your scalp and underneath the scalp is the bold the hair fits inside the bulb okay and at the bottom it sits into something, now I'm gonna show you a little diagram of this to point this out a little bit more right here all right so this is above your scalp and everything here is below your scalp and your hair sits inside this bulb and then is attached to something right here okay, call the 'matrix' and fits and it appears as if the bottom of the hair is just hooked onto the matrix it is but that's not what holds it alone here's the key thing and I drew some little lines here if you can see the hair inside the bulb is loose so I want to refer back to showing it like this the hair sits inside the bulb and it's actually loose there's a little fibers on the wall of the bulb that makes the hair attach. 

So the hair is not just fitting in tightly like you would assume the hair is in the bulb and there's fibers on the wall of the bulb that holds that hair in now that's very important because those fibers think of this the hair is coming out and as fibers coming from the wall that's holding that hair in alright. Now here's the important thing what happens is you can break down those fibers and cause hair to shed quicker alright and here's what will cause that hair the shed quicker that is number one your sebaceous gland which is your oil gland which is on the bottom your sebaceous gland or oil gland our waste from your scalp all right they might be good if you take them out you rub them on a hair shaft but if they sit inside the bulb they break down the fibers that hold in the hair so it's important to cleanse your scalp whenever you feel it's dirty or oily okay that's number one, number two I want to bring up something what's very popular today and that is hair concealers or powders some of you know it some of you don't but it they're very very popular when people thin there's all these different name brands out that are called 'concealers' or they're in the category called concealers, there's topic there's all these other name brands they're powders fine powders that they spray or sprinkle onto the scalp and they work what do I mean they work they work because unthe in here he darkened the scalp and you don't see the scalp as much and you don't see the thinness that's why they're so popular because people could privately get these powders and the bathroom they put them on and they cover the scalp and they don't look as thin okay.

So they really work but there's a very negative side to them these powders to work are very fine they're very similar to the powder and an ink cartridge on cartridges in your printer you notice that powder it's super fine it floats up in the air it needs to be fine like that to cover the scalp properly okay, but now here's the problem those powders will fill up inside your hair bulb they're not just going to lay on the top because remember the hair bulbs open and the hair is not fitting in tight it's fitting with player looseness so whenever you put something on your scalp like that like a powder the powder is going to go in the hair bulb and it breaks down the fibers that are holding that hair in that hair bulb and causes that hair to shed out quicker so anybody that's using those powders you are speeding up your hair loss flat out I want everyone to know that that's why I'm breaking this down for you all right so please keep that in mind there's other ways of correcting the problem. 

So our quote for today is 'we are programmable human beings so in effect we can program ourselves to get what we want' what does that mean to me this is a big one what people don't understand is we are basically programmed by our environment meaning what we hear we intake we start to believe things and we start to sort of program ourselves whether it's true or beneficial our non beneficial now I want to bring up something to you in reference to that there was a guy named 'Napoleon Hill' very famous guy many years ago and what he did he studied 500 tremendously successful people and he found what was the common denominator within all these people and there was a common denominator and that was they all fought very similar they all fought in the same way and one of the key elements of how they thought was they all thought in a way that I can do this I can do that they all thought very positive they all thought for every move there's a counter move they all thought anything that bad happens is a lesson they all thought in a very positive way that they can achieve anything.

So that is the key to programming yourself that anything is achievable that's why I use the word limitless anything as human beings can achieve is achievable but it only is if you program yourself and what I mean by programming yourself is simply repeating what you want over and over so there's been Studies on this I studied this for decades actually if you repeat what you want it's sort of done in goals what's the purpose of goals the purpose of goal is not to write a goal put it away and never look at it the real purpose of goals is to plan out what you want and review it on a daily basis or by daily basis and by writing down what you want number one you know what you want and you're writing it down but number two even more important you're consistently reviewing it over and over once twice three times a day you begin to program yourself that it will happen that it will be achievable so that's one example right. So stay tuned for our next limitless hair expert video and that is 'What you should know about your hair shaft' thank you and I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Do You Think About Your Hair More Than Ten Minutes A Day - Limitless Hair Expert


Do You Think About Your Hair More Than Ten Minutes A Day

Hello and Welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video where we combined expert hair advice with self-improvement advice and my name is Dino and today's subject is “Do you think about your hair more than 10 minutes a day” I heard that phrase many many years ago and it really made an impact in me because what I found out and helping people through the years I'm a hairdresser I've been in the business of adding hair or in the field of adding hair and helping people since 1975 and what I found out is a lot of people that don't have a clear head all right I'll tell you what I mean by that in reference to their hair I found some people that they would be very upset about their hair and theirs their life through the day they're thinking about their hair or you might say they're thinking about their hair more than ten minutes a day and that sort of blocks their life it interrupts their life and that's not good if you're not happy with your hair whether it's the volume of your hair or whatever it is please do something about it research find out what to do you can always go to our website because we have a very unique revolutionary concept but do something make the move.

Now also I've seen other people that had problems with their hair and they would wear hair and what I mean by wearing hair some of them had a hair extension some of them had a hair system of some sort similar and wigs but even though they had somewhat solved their hair problem which really wasn't totally true because they weren't clear-headed about it which I'm going to explain that in a minute that is they walk around still thinking about their hair every time they walk in front of a light they take a picture they're always thinking about how's my hair is my hair secure does it look good all right now whether your hair is thin and you're walking around thinking about your hair more than 10 minutes a day or a lot or whether you have hair added in some sort of way and you're still thinking about your hair you're not enjoying life properly enough.

So I want to give myself as an example okay I have hair at it okay I do not think about my hair all right meaning if I'm in the shower if I'm thrown in a pool if I manage else I don't think about my hair because the way I feel about my hair is that it looks and feels 100% natural and I just want to enjoy life yes I think about my hair when I get in the mirror and I fix my hair I style my hair I think about my hair oh I'm getting a haircut I'm styling it different that's okay but don't walk through the day or spend the day off and on thinking about your hair / worrying about your hair okay so you should get to a point of enjoying your hair whether it's your own hair and you got to fix it just so or whether you have to add hair and if you need our help you can always look in a website in reference to what we do and how we add hair to see if that's the right fit for you okay but the ending of this I want to tell you you shouldn't be walking around thinking about your hair you should be enjoying life and that in conference that your hair looks natural no matter what you do and that's how I feel using myself as an example alright

So now I'm going to give you the quote for today the quote for today compound interest is the most powerful force on the universe that's by ‘Albert Einstein’ now why would I break out that it's a financial statement because I'm going to tie something in those principles or in that quote in that quote there's two key principles principle number one is consistency and principle number one is sorry principle number two is multiplication so two principles inside that quote consistency and multiplication alright now what does that mean because I want you to think about that quote and take the meaning of that quote into a different area all right when you're consistent about anything you want to do anything you want to achieve even if you want to improve your health improve your appearance when you're consistent what happens is the consistency multiplies and elevate you higher and higher and higher conversely when you're inconsistent or consistent in the other direction you don't take care of yourself then that induces you to not take care of yourself more but when you do take care of yourself it induces you to take care of yourself more which induces you to take care of yourself more and it starts multiplying and you start elevating. So please remember that principle and I'm invite you to our next limitless hair expert video and that is the hair elevation story hope to see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Why do MOST Women LOSE Hair or Start GOING BALD !! - Hair Expert Dino


Why do MOST Women LOSE Hair or Start GOING BALD !!!!!!!

Hello. And welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert tutorial video. My name is Dino and today's subject is, what is the number one reason why women lose their hair? Now I want to go through a couple things here for you, women lose their hair for many different reasons but there's one key reason that is most popular that most people don't understand and here it is its female pattern thinness.

Now there's a lot of technical terms of why women lose their hair but the most common one that's not brought up by doctors by professionals is that it's female pattern thinness now not male pattern thinness I want to bring that up to some females can have male pattern thinness just to clarify this when a female has male pattern thinness it means they have a little bit of an imbalance of hormones, they have a little bit more male hormones and therefore it affects them in a male pattern baldness way.

When a woman has male pattern baldness they have the same bonus as a guy meaning just on the top, alright and to an area where it goes actually bald. So you'll know any female will know if they have male pattern baldness because it's kind of like a guy where it goes bald and it goes just on the top and it's more rare, so please don't worry it's very rare it happens but very rare for a woman to get male pattern baldness, although it does happen.

Now, female pattern thinness has a specific pattern to it, alright and female pattern of thinness is thin on the top going down halfway through the back and all the way to the sides sometimes it bald in the front and sometimes it just gets thin in the front it's mostly thin in most cases through the top. And secondly thin on the sides but it's that pattern female pattern thinness is the pattern of being thin on the whole top half way down the back besides when you have that pattern you have female pattern thinness.

Now, what is female pattern thinness? Female pattern thinness is genetic not just hereditary, hereditary is part of genetic but not always so you can go back three generations ago no one in my family has lost hair, alright it doesn't matter every human being is unique, it's like with the expression when you say when God made me broke the mold, well, technically when God made anybody he broke the mold because everybody is unique in their own way so you can have generations back and not have anything this.

And you could be the first because every human being is unique in their own way and they have their own genetic structure, alright so on a giving example of genetic structure genetic structure would be gray hair, alright it would also be when you're a kid you're blonde and when you get older you become over that that's a genetic structure, alright. Be the color of your eyes genetic structure best example is getting back to gray hair think about this we go gray but some people will bring their 20s not some people out to the 30s some people out to the 40s and all different percentages, okay.

That's your genetic structure, alright. Your thinness is your genetic structure all human beings their hair thins as they get older it's just that some women have female pattern thinness and the thinness happens as a genetic structure little early in the game, okay not that you shouldn't do anything about it, alright. You can and you should and if you want to go to our website you can see about this method that can fix it but that's what the most common way or reason why women go thin female pattern thinness from a genetic structure, okay.

So now let's talk about our quote for today our quote for today is when you understand and realize the law of control self-esteem will evaporate. Now I want to bring some mud to you law control there's many laws in the world, I'm going to give you an example of a law actually there's a law control there's a law of there's a lot of correspondence, there is a law belief there's many psychological laws that if followed could really improve your life give an example of a law one, law is gravity, gravity is a law you throw something up that comes down well there's psychological laws and one of these laws is the law of control.

Now, what does the law of control mean, the law of control means you are in control alright to the degree that you feel that you're in control of outside people and outside circumstances now conversely you have stress based on the way you feel how much you're in control of outside people and outside circumstances it's a feel alright control is self-imposed, alright. So stress is self-composed what it means it's a feeling it's not a reality.

So when you feel like you're in control you don't have stress that's when it evaporates so when you live by the law of control the more you improve and understand the law of control, the more you have less stress, less stress and ultimately when you master the law of control you have no stress and you have that ability, so please remember the law of control, okay.

And stay tuned for our next Limitless Hair Expert video and that is “How to Add Hair and Stimulate Hair Growth at the same time”. And I'll see you soon

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Know Why Your Hair Length is NOT Growing Anymore - Hair Expert Dino


Step into the light with us to know Why does your hair stops growing in length. Know the real reason how and why your hair length gets stunted after a certain time. Know the ACTUAL REASON for STUNTED HAIR LENGTH AND HOW TO ENSURE YOU HAIR KEEPS GROWING.

Know Why Your Hair Length is NOT Growing Anymore

Hello, Dino here. And welcome to another episode of the Limitless Hair Expert, where we combine expert advice and self-improvement together. And today's subject is how and why your hair can't grow now this is important a lot of people think their hair is not growing, okay your hair is always growing alright what happens is that there's a growth cycle every individual hair on your head has a life cycle of about three years.

Now when you get older it shortens a little bit but let's take the average of about three years so you have hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head and every individual hair on your head only lives an average of about three years then a new hair is under comes underneath it and pushes the old one out that's, sort of, like a tooth like when your kids and new tooth pushes the other one out when that one pushes the other one out that one grows in, okay.

And you have many hundreds of thousands of hairs all taking their turns growing out pushing the other one out so what that means you'll never have all your hairs the same one they'll always be little different hairs all through your head because you have hairs taking turns growing out they're not going to just grow out and catch up, alright there's going to be one hair growing out that's a half inch another one's going out to six inch another, let's go about this eight inch.

So you're going to have all these different hairs alright, that's normal to happen alright, so that's if your hair is always growing all right but now what happens as you get older and depending on your genetic structure what happens is that as these hairs grow sometimes some hairs establish a new maximum length what does that mean a new maximum length means some heirs will grow out to only six inch and stop another he'll grow out to two inches stop another hair will grow out to 15 inches stop so it depends on how long your hair is if you're a lady and you got fifteen inches, you're going to start to notice  the ends are kind of thin.

And that's because all of your hairs will not keep growing some will keep growing some another 25 inch maybe alright and some hairs will go to 18 inches only and some grow only grow to 6 inches they're all establishing a new maximum length not along some will keep growing alright but some won't some will grow to a point and stop alright. And then it'll live until the new hair pushes that one out, alright.

So that kind of caused you to feel like your hair is not growing alright, it happened to me too to explain my story when I was young I had hair down to my shoulders I can't grow besides any longer it goes a little my hair, let me get straggly alright it established a new maximum length so it gets straggling when it grows over years I just trim it because I don't like to straggling this on it, alright. So that's our subject about hair growth and how and why hair grows or doesn't grow, okay.

Now, we're quote for today is the following this is very important and that is gratitude is reciprocal now I heard this from Matthew McConaughey and act the actor and I also heard this from Tony Robbins interviewing a guy named Sir John Templeton and they both made a strong comment about it, alright.

The actor made a comment that gratitude is reciprocal and I thought that was very interesting because what he said it's a scientific fact that gratitude is reciprocal and what he meant by that is that when you're grateful more things come to you because your minds more open to seeing good things and being grateful you cannot be mad at the same time you cannot be negative at the same time when you're grateful your mind sees better things and therefore better things come back to you okay and Sir John Templeton just to let you know he's a billionaire, alright or he was he's passed away, since.

Now but he's a bill he was interviewed by Tony Robbins at one time and Tony Robbins answered the question what is the secret to wealth and he says Tony you know this it's gratitude so Sir John Templeton he was somebody that was crowned in England for being very grateful for giving away and helping many people that's why his name is Sir John Templeton, alright.

So he was always very grateful for what he had no matter how little he had because he was a self-made billionaire actually so he started off with nothing but he was always grateful and to be grateful even when you have nothing but in reality we always have something to be grateful for the more you're grateful the more stuff comes to you all right so always remember that, okay.

So stay tuned for our next video which is “How your self-concept will empower your appearance”. And I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


How To Stop Pulling Your Hair out- Eliminate Trichotillomania - Limitless Hair Expert

How To Stop Pulling Your Hair out- Eliminate Trichotillomania - Limitless Hair Expert

Eliminate Trichotillomania Forever. Follow the Best Technique and avoid pulling your own hair out.In this Latest Limitless Hair Expert Video, Dino has explained the best Technique to fight #Trichotillomania.

Facts You Need to Know About Dealing with Hair Loss

Facts You Need to Know About Dealing with Hair Loss

Hair loss, while genes play a major role, there are a lot of other factors that cause hair loss. There are several factors that were proven to have been contributing to hair loss such as: physical stress, pregnancy, too much Vitamin A, lack of protein, heredity and a lot more.

How to Evaluate the Best Hair When Adding Hair - Limitless Hair Expert

How to Evaluate the Best Hair When Adding Hair - Limitless Hair Expert

Here's what you have to know a lot of people think certain types of hair is the best, Brazilian hair or this kind of hair because there's different origins or nationalities out there and this is what you have to understand.

How to Evaluate the Dangers of Hair Shedding - Limitless Hair Expert

How to Evaluate the Dangers of Hair Shedding - Limitless Hair Expert

Now every single hair on your head has a lifecycle of about two to three years and after that lifecycle is finished a new hair comes underneath the old hair and pushes the old one out