Women’s hair Loss

How Does Your Hair Relate to Your Health - Limitless Hair Expert


How Does Your Hair Relate to Your Health

Hello and welcome to another limitless hair expert video tutorial where we combine both top hair expert advice and personal achievement together today's subject is 'How does your hair relate to your health' now there's two parts of this how hair relates to your health one first of all is the physical part I want to first mention that when a nutritionist has to test your level of nutrition or lack of they sometimes take a sample of your hair and the reason why they take a sample of your hair is because out of your whole body your hair believe it or not is the last source that gets to nutrition so it would be logical then to take a sample of your hair to see where you lack or how much nutrition you have.

So that tells us alone how important your hair is now also relating to health you want to keep your hair healthy keeping air healthy means to keep it moist to put some sort of nutrition into the hair itself it's very important to do that next your hair is connected to your scalp and your scalp is part of your skin so also you should take care of your scalp now what you should do is first always keep it cleansed it's important just like your body to keep your scalp cleanse and whenever your scalp itches it usually means it needs to be cleansed in most cases not at all but in most cases so always keep your scalp cleanse clean open also always keep your scalp moist because your scalp is part of the health of your body which is then connected to your hair ok now there's a second part that's psychological and that is when you take care of any part of your body it starts a chain reaction of taking care of more parts of you so number one you start with the top in reference to health meaning your yeah take care of the nutrition of your hair and the nutrition of your hair always remember whatever you eat whatever you consume also nourishes your hair so take care of the health of your hair by keeping your hair moist by putting good nutrition in your hair by keeping even a low pH balance in your hair okay

Anything low pH is healthy for your hair alright now when you do that it causes a chain reaction psychological you take care of your hair you want to take care of your scalp you want to take care of your skin and hopefully it follows through to taking care of your body and your mind all right so please keep that in mind now our quote for today is as soon as they're able to walk hand them the broom this has significance this was told to me by my mother when I first had children and they were small before they were the walk she said to me hand them the broom as soon as they can walk if you wait after that it's too late what does that mean it all stems into being responsible you want to raise your kids to be responsible and the best way to do that is give them responsibility at the youngest age possible now this also ties into other parts of life not just your children all right it ties into responsibilities in a previous video. 

I talked about a quote from JFK John F Kennedy which said 'Don't ask what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country' that all stems into responsibility the more you're responsible for yourself the more you help yourself to more you grow the more responsible you are for yourself the more you contribute to the outside of yourself to others so please keep that in mind and stay tuned for our next limitless hair expert video which is 'What are the best ways to prepare your hair in the morning' and I'll see you soon Thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Why do MOST Women LOSE Hair or Start GOING BALD !! - Hair Expert Dino


Why do MOST Women LOSE Hair or Start GOING BALD !!!!!!!

Hello. And welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert tutorial video. My name is Dino and today's subject is, what is the number one reason why women lose their hair? Now I want to go through a couple things here for you, women lose their hair for many different reasons but there's one key reason that is most popular that most people don't understand and here it is its female pattern thinness.

Now there's a lot of technical terms of why women lose their hair but the most common one that's not brought up by doctors by professionals is that it's female pattern thinness now not male pattern thinness I want to bring that up to some females can have male pattern thinness just to clarify this when a female has male pattern thinness it means they have a little bit of an imbalance of hormones, they have a little bit more male hormones and therefore it affects them in a male pattern baldness way.

When a woman has male pattern baldness they have the same bonus as a guy meaning just on the top, alright and to an area where it goes actually bald. So you'll know any female will know if they have male pattern baldness because it's kind of like a guy where it goes bald and it goes just on the top and it's more rare, so please don't worry it's very rare it happens but very rare for a woman to get male pattern baldness, although it does happen.

Now, female pattern thinness has a specific pattern to it, alright and female pattern of thinness is thin on the top going down halfway through the back and all the way to the sides sometimes it bald in the front and sometimes it just gets thin in the front it's mostly thin in most cases through the top. And secondly thin on the sides but it's that pattern female pattern thinness is the pattern of being thin on the whole top half way down the back besides when you have that pattern you have female pattern thinness.

Now, what is female pattern thinness? Female pattern thinness is genetic not just hereditary, hereditary is part of genetic but not always so you can go back three generations ago no one in my family has lost hair, alright it doesn't matter every human being is unique, it's like with the expression when you say when God made me broke the mold, well, technically when God made anybody he broke the mold because everybody is unique in their own way so you can have generations back and not have anything this.

And you could be the first because every human being is unique in their own way and they have their own genetic structure, alright so on a giving example of genetic structure genetic structure would be gray hair, alright it would also be when you're a kid you're blonde and when you get older you become over that that's a genetic structure, alright. Be the color of your eyes genetic structure best example is getting back to gray hair think about this we go gray but some people will bring their 20s not some people out to the 30s some people out to the 40s and all different percentages, okay.

That's your genetic structure, alright. Your thinness is your genetic structure all human beings their hair thins as they get older it's just that some women have female pattern thinness and the thinness happens as a genetic structure little early in the game, okay not that you shouldn't do anything about it, alright. You can and you should and if you want to go to our website you can see about this method that can fix it but that's what the most common way or reason why women go thin female pattern thinness from a genetic structure, okay.

So now let's talk about our quote for today our quote for today is when you understand and realize the law of control self-esteem will evaporate. Now I want to bring some mud to you law control there's many laws in the world, I'm going to give you an example of a law actually there's a law control there's a law of there's a lot of correspondence, there is a law belief there's many psychological laws that if followed could really improve your life give an example of a law one, law is gravity, gravity is a law you throw something up that comes down well there's psychological laws and one of these laws is the law of control.

Now, what does the law of control mean, the law of control means you are in control alright to the degree that you feel that you're in control of outside people and outside circumstances now conversely you have stress based on the way you feel how much you're in control of outside people and outside circumstances it's a feel alright control is self-imposed, alright. So stress is self-composed what it means it's a feeling it's not a reality.

So when you feel like you're in control you don't have stress that's when it evaporates so when you live by the law of control the more you improve and understand the law of control, the more you have less stress, less stress and ultimately when you master the law of control you have no stress and you have that ability, so please remember the law of control, okay.

And stay tuned for our next Limitless Hair Expert video and that is “How to Add Hair and Stimulate Hair Growth at the same time”. And I'll see you soon

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.




What Constitutes SELF-CONCEPT and how you can build and develop your appearance and boost your SELF-CONFIDENCE.


Hello. And welcome to another episode of the Limitless Hair Expert, where we combine expert advice and self-improvement together. And today's subject is how your self-concept will empower your appearance. Now think about that what I'm going to do is reverse this it's usually do something to your appearance and your self-confidence will build that is true but sometimes you got to think this in reverse and reverses build your self-concept and then you'll then also build your self-image, okay.

Your appearance because your appearance is very well connected to your self-concept now I want to break down your self-concept is this is very, very important, let's look at it simply self-concept it's the concept of yourself there's three parts to your self-concept your one is your ideal self what you ideally think of yourself what you ideally think you could become now what that means it means in every subject what you ideally think you could become in reading in your profession in a certain sport in a certain way you look, okay.

So your ideal self is what you ultimately feel you can become and that should be built up because technically there's no limit to it that's why these videos theories or these video episodes or called limitless hair expert so remember when you're building your ideal self-up there's no limit you have to think that way so that's one of the self-concept next part of a self-concept is your self-image look in the mirror your image of yourself that's the immediate thought of what you think of yourself your self-image that also should be upgraded.

You should think of yourself as being powerful as being achievable of looking good of feeling good okay so it's very, very important to think that way one way of doing that is always upgrade your image and we're talking about hair here so if you don't like your hair do something about it if it's not full enough and hair if it's full enough style it in a certain way do your hair in a way that you feel good because your hair part of your image is totally connected to your self-concept now the third part of your self-concept is your self-esteem your self-esteem is the core of you it's how you feel, alright.

So your self-esteem is built up from the other two meaning yourself ideal self and your self-image builds into the self-esteem your self-esteem to feel good about yourself all the time. So how do you feel good about yourself alright, two ways you want to approach it in two different directions you want to reverse it and just build up yourself by thinking good things to yourself pitching yourself in good ways and by doing that should cause you to take care of yourself your image, alright.

Now you can reverse that if you want and take care of your appearance and you should so do them in combination talk to yourself think of good things think that you look and feel good all the time think of good things I have a good technique for you whenever you think of something not good just train yourself just say stop, alright. If you say it real sharp like that stop you'll train yourself to stop thinking about negative things and you'll think about good things, alright.

And then start thinking about always how to improve your appearance because the more you improve your appearance the better you feel about yourself, alright. And if that's very important alright so please keep that in mind now our quote for today is by Brian Tracy and he says it's more important to be effective than it is to be right I'm going to take a little story I heard from Brian Tracy and this was not actually a quote it was a statement that he made those to put into a quote but I want to give him credit for it because I heard it from him, okay. He told this story that when he was very young was at a party and what he did is he's seen a group of people in one section of the party and he walked over to them because we found out they were talking about politics and he knew a lot about politics so he walked over there to tell them what this board about politics, okay.

And when he did he found that everybody in that crowd just evaporated they all split up they spread all around and he realized it didn't matter how much he knew he didn't matter that he knew politics down cold what matter that he wasn't being effective. So that was the lesson that he learned and that I got and that is always remember it's more important to be effective than it is to be right sometimes you can be right and effective but sometimes you got a hold back and not be too pushy.

So please keep that in mind, okay. And our next video, stay tuned for our next video and that will be about “Why is balance the key to naturalness and flexibility”. I'll see you soon,

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Know Why Your Hair Length is NOT Growing Anymore - Hair Expert Dino


Step into the light with us to know Why does your hair stops growing in length. Know the real reason how and why your hair length gets stunted after a certain time. Know the ACTUAL REASON for STUNTED HAIR LENGTH AND HOW TO ENSURE YOU HAIR KEEPS GROWING.

Know Why Your Hair Length is NOT Growing Anymore

Hello, Dino here. And welcome to another episode of the Limitless Hair Expert, where we combine expert advice and self-improvement together. And today's subject is how and why your hair can't grow now this is important a lot of people think their hair is not growing, okay your hair is always growing alright what happens is that there's a growth cycle every individual hair on your head has a life cycle of about three years.

Now when you get older it shortens a little bit but let's take the average of about three years so you have hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head and every individual hair on your head only lives an average of about three years then a new hair is under comes underneath it and pushes the old one out that's, sort of, like a tooth like when your kids and new tooth pushes the other one out when that one pushes the other one out that one grows in, okay.

And you have many hundreds of thousands of hairs all taking their turns growing out pushing the other one out so what that means you'll never have all your hairs the same one they'll always be little different hairs all through your head because you have hairs taking turns growing out they're not going to just grow out and catch up, alright there's going to be one hair growing out that's a half inch another one's going out to six inch another, let's go about this eight inch.

So you're going to have all these different hairs alright, that's normal to happen alright, so that's if your hair is always growing all right but now what happens as you get older and depending on your genetic structure what happens is that as these hairs grow sometimes some hairs establish a new maximum length what does that mean a new maximum length means some heirs will grow out to only six inch and stop another he'll grow out to two inches stop another hair will grow out to 15 inches stop so it depends on how long your hair is if you're a lady and you got fifteen inches, you're going to start to notice  the ends are kind of thin.

And that's because all of your hairs will not keep growing some will keep growing some another 25 inch maybe alright and some hairs will go to 18 inches only and some grow only grow to 6 inches they're all establishing a new maximum length not along some will keep growing alright but some won't some will grow to a point and stop alright. And then it'll live until the new hair pushes that one out, alright.

So that kind of caused you to feel like your hair is not growing alright, it happened to me too to explain my story when I was young I had hair down to my shoulders I can't grow besides any longer it goes a little my hair, let me get straggly alright it established a new maximum length so it gets straggling when it grows over years I just trim it because I don't like to straggling this on it, alright. So that's our subject about hair growth and how and why hair grows or doesn't grow, okay.

Now, we're quote for today is the following this is very important and that is gratitude is reciprocal now I heard this from Matthew McConaughey and act the actor and I also heard this from Tony Robbins interviewing a guy named Sir John Templeton and they both made a strong comment about it, alright.

The actor made a comment that gratitude is reciprocal and I thought that was very interesting because what he said it's a scientific fact that gratitude is reciprocal and what he meant by that is that when you're grateful more things come to you because your minds more open to seeing good things and being grateful you cannot be mad at the same time you cannot be negative at the same time when you're grateful your mind sees better things and therefore better things come back to you okay and Sir John Templeton just to let you know he's a billionaire, alright or he was he's passed away, since.

Now but he's a bill he was interviewed by Tony Robbins at one time and Tony Robbins answered the question what is the secret to wealth and he says Tony you know this it's gratitude so Sir John Templeton he was somebody that was crowned in England for being very grateful for giving away and helping many people that's why his name is Sir John Templeton, alright.

So he was always very grateful for what he had no matter how little he had because he was a self-made billionaire actually so he started off with nothing but he was always grateful and to be grateful even when you have nothing but in reality we always have something to be grateful for the more you're grateful the more stuff comes to you all right so always remember that, okay.

So stay tuned for our next video which is “How your self-concept will empower your appearance”. And I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


DIY Hair Elasticity Test-Simple & Effective Tips For Lost Hair Elasticity - Limitless Hair Expert


Know The Importance Of Elasticity in Hair and how anyone can easily test the elasticity of Hair. Hair Expert Dino has explained the significance of Hair Elasticity and Best Tips and Advice to Regain Lost Elasticity. Subscribe Now !!!!!

DIY Hair Elasticity Test-Simple & Effective Tips For Lost Hair Elasticity - Hair Expert Dino

Hello, Dino here again. And welcome again to another series of the Limitless Hair Expert. Important? Now. The elasticity of your hair is important because it gives its strength, your hair on your head stretches like a fresh elastic band, it stretches and reverts back and if you want to test the health of your hair. The best way to test the elasticity is when the hair is wet. You can test it when it’s dry but when it’s dry it has less elasticity when it’s wet it has more elasticity or more stretch ability, alright.

So when your hair is wet if you pull your hair a little bit and let it go it should spring back quick. The more you can pull it and let go the faster it springs back the more healthy your hair is, the slower it springs back the less healthy your hair, okay. So think of a fresh elastic band, you stretch it, boy, it goes right back, okay. So that’s the elasticity of your hair and it very, very important, when the elasticity is strong it could take more pressure, it could take more bushing, it could take more handling, conversely when the elasticity is weak or not so good, it breaks easier, you have to be more delicate with the hair, you have to be more careful with the hair.

So what I want you to do next when your hair is wet or wet your hair, I want you to test the elasticity of your hair maybe in spot, maybe in several spots and see how the elasticity is. The weaker the elasticity the more I want you to be careful with your hair, the way you brush it, the way you comb through it, the way you handle it, be a little bit more careful, in general you should be careful and you should brush your comb with the wide toothbrush or comb as I stated in another videos. But test your elasticity and then direct yourself to be a little bit more careful when your elasticity is less.

Now if your elasticity is weak then what you want to do is try to find a protein shampoo, a protein conditioners, protein strengthens, alright. Protein strengthens your muscles, protein strengthens your hair, so the more you can put a protein conditioner, a protein treatment on the hair you can improve the elasticity of your hair, alright. So if your elasticity is weak try to put some sort of protein conditioner or better yet protein treatment in your hair, okay.

So our quote for today is, when the big things come first, you know what you’re doing. So that’s a quote by myself, but I want to example what that means with a little bit of a metaphor, alright or story. And that is, there is the story of this professor that had this students and that we’re talking time management and how to get important things done. And what the professor did he pull out this large ways and he in gently pour this big boulders into the ways without breaking the ways.

Money fill the ways with the big rocks he said to the student is the ways filled, student yield that and says yes, he didn’t say anything, he took another bucket that had smaller rocks, pour them in gently the smaller rock trigger through the big rocks and filled the ways again, he said to the student is that ways filled, is the ways filled, they said no. Now they quote on, so then he then took another and he pour another bucket that is and now we poured sand, the sand trigger through the big rocks and the little rocks fill up the ways he said to the student, is the ways filled, they said no then took water pour the water, the water trigger through the sand, through the little rocks, the big rocks and filled up the ways.

Then he said what does this mean to the student and the student says do the small things in life and he said no. If I did this in reverse I will never get the big rocks in and what the means is do the important things the big things in life first because if you put off the big things in life the little things will caught up all your time and you’ll never get the big things done. So please remember that, it’s very, very important. And stay tune for our next video which is how do you know, how often to shampoo your hair. And I’ll see you soon. Thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Know Why Your Hair Tangles & Best Advice For Tangle Free Hair - Hair Expert Dino

Know Why Your Hair Tangles & Best Advice For Tangle Free Hair - Hair Expert Dino

When I say added hair it means a weave and extension, a hair system any method of adding hair when that hair tangles why because the why is going to tell us how to counteract that, okay.

Hair Transplant Facts For Treating Hair loss & Hair Thinning Problem - Limitless Hair Expert.

Hair Transplant Facts For Treating Hair loss & Hair Thinning Problem - Limitless Hair Expert.

Surgical Hair Transplant For Treating Hair Loss or Thinning Hair problems ? In this latest Limitless Hair Expert Video, Hair Expert Dino has explained the pros and cons associated with Surgical Hair Transplant. Know what is Hair Transplant and how exactly it treats Hair loss and Thinning hair.

How to Not Think About Your Hair & Enjoy Life - Limitless Hair Expert

How to Not Think About Your Hair & Enjoy Life - Limitless Hair Expert

Why Hair Stranding is the best hair restoration approach for Men & Women & better than any Wigs, Hair Weaves, Hair Concealers or any Hair Addition Approach ever for treating any degree of Hair loss or Hair Thinning problems.