The Difference Between Non-Cuticle Hair & Remi Hair - Limitless Hair Expert


The Difference Between Non-Cuticle Hair & Remi Hair

Hello and welcome to another limitless hair expert video tutorial my name is Dino where we combine top hair expert advice with self-improvement advice today's subject is 'What is the difference between non cuticle hair and remy hair' okay. Now this has an effect in reference to what's called commercial hair commercial hair means when you buy hair, hair that could mean you buying 'hair extensions' that can be buying the hair weaves it can be meaning you're buying a wig or any sort of hair addition, whatsoever so some people know what remy hair is, but I want to go through this and I'm going to bring it a little bit deeper okay. Non cuticle hair means that there is no cuticle on the hair now I want to explain what the cuticle is every hair on our heads has an outer layer called the cuticle layer it simply explained as it looks very similar to scales on a fish think about scales on a fish the purpose of having scales on a fish is to protect the fish they're little shingles if you will okay.

That's the cuticle layer that's on every one of our hairs 360 degrees around to show you this let me show you a little picture of it right here you can see that and you can see the outer don't look at that at the inside but just looking at this you can see that is a picture of the cuticle layer the protective shield now what you should know is that all commercial hair remember when I say commercial hair I mean hair that you buy okay. that you put on yourself or somebody puts in with your hair alright all commercial hair most of it the cuticle layer is removed and I want you to know why first of all okay, because when they collect hair they're collecting hair that cut off someone's head that they sell that they donate and then all this hair is taken in big bundles and doing kilos in big bundles and then it's cleaned and then here's what the problem is it gets mixed up from the hair part that's growing out of your head to the end now normally the hair that grows out of your head the cuticle layer is going down.

So think of scales on a fish the cuticles are going downward if you stroke the fish downward it's slippery conversely. If you stroke the fish upward against the scales it's sort of prickly all right so what happens is all the hair on our head the scales the cuticle layer is going downward that's why it's smooth when you remove hair off someone's head or cut it and donate it or sell it and it's used for commercial hair those scales are mixed up meaning some hairs are position from the scalp downward and some hairs are now from the ends upward and what happens is that's what causes hair to tangle so most of the public thinks well I have human hair and it tangles its over-processed the hair is no good it's not that the hair is not good it's the fact that the cuticle layers are going in the wrong direction and they haven't removed all of them yet that's what it boils down to now I want to explain how they removed the cuticle layer the cuticle layer is removed because what they do is use something called an acid treatment not a nice word but it's a process that melts the cuticle layer off.

Now I want you to understand something the cuticle layer like scales on a fish it's sort of in layers it's not just one two three and then there's nothing underneath there multiple language layers like shingles, so what happens when they put it through this process the cuticle layers don't just fall off they disintegrate smaller and smaller and one falls off and there's another one behind it so as they're disintegrating they get smaller and flatter and ceil themselves against the hair shaft sometimes tricking you making it feel as if the hair is smooth and as if the cuticle is completely off but sometimes all of the cuticle is not off so as an example, if they melt the cuticle off and the hair feels really smooth because they can only do it by feel they cannot look at each individual hair under a microscope 360 degrees around through the hair shaft it's impossible. So they do it by feel and when they do it by feel the hair could feel like all the cuticles off because the hair is smooth but some of the cuticle can still be on and some of it's just melted down pressing against each other's cuticle and some of it can be all the way off in other areas it could be not all off so then when you get the hair it could feel smooth and as you wear it it can start to tangle and all it means is that you have to remove more cuticle which is another subject there's a way of removing more cuticle to make it even smoother okay but that's another conversation all right now let's switch to remy hair.

Remy hair means that they cut the hair off the head and they label it this is the root this is the end and now they're labeling it because they're making the hair go in the same direction the cuticle layer is now going in the same direction if they cut the hair off and label it root end years ago they used to call it blue string hair and that meant they sit coat it with a blue string saying this is the root this is the end now the hair has its more natural properties as you would say because now the hair hasn't been sort of mess with it has the cuticle layer and the cuticle layer serves a purpose it is the protective shield of the hair among some other benefits too and it's better to have remy hair, which is hair with the cuticle salon although there's some precautions you should know about number one you don't really know if it's cuticle hair the only way you'd be able to tell if you've got a bundle of hair or hair added to your head you would have to put it under a microscope and look at every single hair from the whole shaft 360 degrees around so you don't really know all you really care about is the hair is nice and smooth and workable but most of the remy hair you get isn't true remy hair or hair with the cuticle on it that's number one number two is when they add hair onto anything whether it's a wig whether it's a hair extension whether it's any sort of weave or hair system anything there's something called a return now. 

Here's what a return is when they add hair what happens is that they can't just take the end of hair and stick it right on to the base like this the hair has to wrap around the base whatever they're attaching it to so there's a two inch return so it's getting attached around to make a knot to hook onto the track the Westing the extension of some sort okay in most cases there's a return that return means cuticle is going down and the return which they knot is going in the opposite direction so even if you have remy hair cuticle hair there's a return and that return has to have the cuticle removed in most cases because otherwise the little flip return how it's knotted on that end will not because now you got hair with the cuticle all going in the same direction but you've got the end flipping up going in the wrong direction cuticle wise so that needs a special treatment also alright so keep that in mind and that's our discussion about what is the difference between hair without cuticle versus remy hair which is hair with the cuticle.

So now let's get to our quote today or quote today is by JFK all right. This is a famous quote and everyone knows his quote okay and that is 'Don't ask what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country' now the reason why I'm bringing this up there is a key principle inside this quote that is universally important and what I mean by universally important and significant means it pertains to everything in life not just what the president at that time said reference to our contribution to the us what the key element is a key secret element inside that quote and that is the following here it comes and that is the key to receiving meaning getting stuff is giving so please remember that and think about that and everything in life the key to receiving is giving right the more you give the more you receive so please give that some thought and think about that and every little xxx of your life okay. So now stay tuned for our next video which is going to be really interesting our next video series or next video limitless hair expert video is 'What is a hair hangover' you're going to find that real interesting and I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


How to Achieve the Most Subtle Transformation - Limitless Hair Expert


How to Achieve the Most Subtle Transformation

Hello and Welcome to another limitless hair expert video where we combine top expert advice on hair with self-improvement and today's subject is 'How to achieve the most subtle transformation' so this is important to a lot of people and the reason why is because there's a lot of people that have thin hair and they want to do something about it but they want to do it in a subtle way they don't want anyone to notice that they did anything this is a common thing I went through this myself so it's a very important thing a lot of people use the powders that are called concealers because they can sprinkle them in and it doesn't make much of a change and it just makes it a little bit of a darkness.

So you can't see in the scalp but doing things subtle is very common for a lot of people because they don't want a big difference from one day to the other alright so the way this is done is through something that I invented called a micro strand and the micro strand is really this what I invented was, I invented something called the micro strand. I'm just gonna hold it up to my chin alright because it's really hard to see this micro strand it's a filament or thread if you will is fine is one single human hair matter of fact when you see this in person it'll feel like a hair it'll be soft and flexible like a hair and the filament itself this filament is actually fine and soft like a hair but it's ten times stronger than a hair and it's translucent meaning the the thread itself the filament itself can actually be seen right through so upon contact of the skin or the scalp it actually disappears so then the next thing we do we take a microscopic to the instrument and we feed one human hair at a time onto these micro strands.

So now this here is the micro strand after there's one hair at a time added on to it and you see it's very translucent you see through it very subtle so the micro strand because it's basically invisible it's hard to say you could put any percentage of hair on this meaning you could put 25% of hair on it leaving it 75% bare you could put 10% hair on it leaving it 90% bare you could with 50% hair on it because this is very difficult to see feel or fine you can then put any percentage of hair on this therefore creating the most subtle transformation. So now people if they have any sort of hair loss and they want to make a subtle transformation they can use the micro strand and they can add any percentage they want they can add 25% they can add 5% hair if they want and they can do it gradually as time goes on or they can just do a subtle change and stop. So that's the beauty about what was invented right now it allows people now to make very subtle transformations which has been very helpful to people.

So if you want more information about this just go to our website and you'll get to understand it through looking at our videos or you can contact us with any questions so our quote for today is the more you don't trade speed for quality the more effective you'll be with more effort so what this means is that quality always superseded speed and everything you do in life and things you buy and things you do for yourself so quality is always where it's happening always keep a balance between speed and quality there's a lot of things we have to get through and that we have to speed up but don't ever sacrifice speed for quality and that means everything it don't eat too fast you're better off eating good foods eat it slower alright don't shop too fast you better off taking your time figuring out what you yet everything if you're exercising it's more important the quality the form of when you exercise as opposed to getting through the exercise faster even with hair when I think about hair quality is there I want to make something that is going to be top quality for someone even if it takes longer even in what I invented the hair stranding it takes a long time to prepare but I chose that because I wanted quality much more than speed so it was more important for me to get top quality as opposed to getting the product faster to the person so please remember that principle it's very important and stay tuned for our next limitless hair expert video which will be 'What is the difference between non cuticle hair and remy hair' and I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


When Does Your Hair Mature & What Happens After That - Limitless Hair Expert


When Does Your Hair Mature & What Happens After That

Hello I'm Dino and welcome to a Limitless Hair Expert video today's video is about ‘When does your hair mature and what happens after that’ this is interesting subject I want everyone to know that your hair matures from really sort of childhood it's maturing from when you're young maturing means changing all right, getting to its maximum point, when you're about anywhere between 15 years old and 18 years old that's when your hair matures meaning it's become it's become its fullness at that time, it's become the color that it is in most cases. It's matured so hair doesn't mature until the ages of 15 years old to 18 years old.

Now here's what you should know about that under that age your hair is in a process of maturing because of that it is delicate all right. So what that means is somebody under the age 15 especially younger age all right their hair is maturing it hasn't fully developed that's important to know. So what does that mean it means be careful don't braid a child hair tight worth stretching because what that can do is something called retard the growth retort the growth means it could cause an effect on the growth on the actual hair bulb that can cause the hair bulb either not to grow or the hair to fall out sooner in life or it can cause the hair follicle to not grow to its normal level or its normal length okay.

So that's what retard the growth means it means it disturbs the natural growth pattern of the hair if you pull the child's hair too tight with any sort of tight braid or tight ponytail so please be careful of that also Kitty perms coloring a child's hair you really shouldn't do that because under the age of 15 especially younger it's more risky you do any type of Kitty perm you do any type of hair color you know it's you're risking damaging their hair technically for life so please be aware of that all right. Now after the age of about 15 to 18 your hair matures what happens after 18 usually your hair starts going in the other direction usually people start losing hair after the age of 18 now some people hold on to it alright a majority may be from 18 to like 25 but then especially after that you start losing it now even with people

Let's say like Ronald Reagan and he had a flat hair into his 80s he still lost hair he still had more hair and he was younger it's just that his thinning process was much slower very very slow where you couldn't even notice anything but with other people after that age somewhere around 18 to 25 you do start losing your hair it's a normal aging process it's just that what some people some people lose a lot of hair and some people use a minimum amount of hair so it varies with each individual so please be aware of that all right.

So our quote for today is ‘Long-term perspective will make your future much sweeter while creating a legacy’ what does that mean that means you should think as much as possible long term the more you think long term the more you can plan out your future right it's intelligent and very effective to think long term the more you plan out long term you eventually will be in your future and you can create a much better life for yourself even as far as a legacy so it's good to plan out as far out into the future now life is what I call a bifocal situation you should always look at the present okay and you should always look into the future and you always want to plan your future plan goals plan out to the future have some place to reach all the time even if you don't make it you keep planning so please remember long-term perspective is very important now please watch our next video our next video will be ‘How to achieve the most subtle transformation’ and I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


The Hair Elevation Story - Limitless Hair Expert


The Hair Elevation Story

Hello and Welcome  Limitless Hair Expert expert video my name is Dino and these video series are hair expertise combined with self-improvement and today's video is “The hair elevation story” now to tell you a quick story about this situation of me being in hair 1975. I was a licensed hairdresser and about 1982 started losing my hair alright. Just where it started becoming noticeable now what I did at that time, I fought it, I said to myself it's not going without a fight that was my sort of motto okay. What I did then I studied everything humanly possible, I looked in magazines, I subscribed to magazines I got everything I could on anything that would help maintain or keep my hair, it wasn't going without a fight okay. Now that made me very knowledgeable because I understood all these different things about hair hair growth ,why hair falls out and that was it back in about 1982 and at that time biotin was very dominant at that time saying it'll grow your hair but I studied nutrition and everything and even back then they always said about five years are gonna have a cure even back then so 10 years later they still said 5 years they're gonna have another cure and it just kept perpetuating over and over and over like this so I kept working on ways to keep my hair right.

So I want to connect with people here because I really understand what people go through when they lose their hair because now I didn't admit that it bothered me I was sort of macho about it so somebody says there's a bother your should know not be done about that may I'll just cut my hair short but actually it really did bother me and I fought it for years ok did everything possible matter of fact some interesting I never looked at the my head for one full year because I was afraid to and when I looked at it I was shocked because it was getting extra thin there but I wouldn't look at it for a year. So I tried everything to try to I don't know if I was able to slow it down or not who knows.

I've seen little fuzzies I couldn't tell if they were leaving or coming in at all I hung upside down they had gravity boots at the time where you do a pull-up and you hook up your feet upside down you hang upside down I did sit-ups on a sit-up bench and hanging on an incline to put more blood to my head then my mom actually gave me something this is way back in about 1982 something really interesting I want to show everybody here she gave me this box and it set on it for Sundy no a PS I love you this should help a lot of people believe me you can't and it can get a lot of great results so watch this thing just to show you this here unique contraption. I want to show it to you you take this it's a rake put the rake in like this alright. You plug it in like this and then watch you turn this thing on sparks fly and look you touch it and if you can see this up and it hurts a little bit but and it has higher power and what it does it's supposed to stimulate I'm gonna shut it off now but what it does it's supposed to stimulate your scalp did it yeah it's stimulated my scalp, I did it everyday my hair smelled a little burnt a little bit had that little burnt smell to it but did it stimulate the scalp yeah did it do anything I don't know that's the things that happen in life when you're trying to grow your hair it's very difficult at time to see if it's doing something if it's slowing it down or not but I did try everything humanly possible and eventually I did keep losing hair and now understand something.

I was in the field of being a hairdresser and also in the field of adding hair when I say adding hair meaning anything to do with Hair weaves, Hair extensions, Hair systems of any sorts you know back then they even had hair units or hair pieces Wigs all of that stuff so I was in that industry so then eventually as I started losing more and more hair not letting anyone know bothered me I started making myself something and I started adding hair in a very subtle way and what I did I had to creep into it so what I did by creeping into it while I was in the Hair Studio slash salon. I would add little hair and then wear the hair while I was at work and then when I went left to go home I would remove it because I didn't have enough nerve to walk outside so then eventually. I wear the hair get in the car and drive home soon as I got home I would remove it it was something I made that was you can apply and remove okay and they didn't want anyone to notice so I made something very subtle myself from scratch and that's why only ward at work then before you know it. I wore it at work and drove home with it so as I got home I removed it then before you know it ward at work drove home with it kept it on until the pajamas came on okay - eventually I used into it okay until eventually.

I got used to it so why do I tell you this I tell you this because I really connect I understand you have to have gone through this to understand what people go through when they lose their hair both men and women all right. There's a lot of men that get very upset about it and they just it's not them not to have hair and I do understand with women that it's even worse because with women it's not acceptable so I do connect with people that's why I'm telling you this story I very deeply connect with people what they go through and the difficult transition that it is all right and in one of my future videos I'm going to talk about how to create a very subtle transformation that's in a couple more videos from now. Because that's how you get used to it you got to do stuff that's safe and you have to do stuff that's very slow easing into it that's why I told you that whole story okay.

So eventually what happened to me as the years went by I eventually lost all my hair that's me you can see that okay eventually loss on my hair and then I eventually created this revolutionary concept called Hair Stranding which you can see on our videos and hair straining is something that I invented from scratch really connecting with people and people would ask me oh is that why you invented it. I didn't invent it for myself you might say and intensified me to dig into it and to invent something but I really connected with people and I felt really bad people going through hair loss so I really invented the hair stranding really to help the mass public and of course myself too and it intensified it being in the same situation so that's my story of the hair elevation story.

So our quote for today is ‘Don't do things in priority but what you believe is a priority that counts’ what does that mean everything in life has a priority we're all very busy we have tons of things to do and the way to be able to handle everything is to prioritize stuff and when you prioritize stuff you really should prioritize what you believe you want to get done first so always do your priorities and what you believe is a priority not what other people other people tell you what is a priority okay so that's our quote for today and stay tuned for our next video the next video is going to be about ‘When does your hair mature and what happens after that’ and I'll see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


Do You Think About Your Hair More Than Ten Minutes A Day - Limitless Hair Expert


Do You Think About Your Hair More Than Ten Minutes A Day

Hello and Welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video where we combined expert hair advice with self-improvement advice and my name is Dino and today's subject is “Do you think about your hair more than 10 minutes a day” I heard that phrase many many years ago and it really made an impact in me because what I found out and helping people through the years I'm a hairdresser I've been in the business of adding hair or in the field of adding hair and helping people since 1975 and what I found out is a lot of people that don't have a clear head all right I'll tell you what I mean by that in reference to their hair I found some people that they would be very upset about their hair and theirs their life through the day they're thinking about their hair or you might say they're thinking about their hair more than ten minutes a day and that sort of blocks their life it interrupts their life and that's not good if you're not happy with your hair whether it's the volume of your hair or whatever it is please do something about it research find out what to do you can always go to our website because we have a very unique revolutionary concept but do something make the move.

Now also I've seen other people that had problems with their hair and they would wear hair and what I mean by wearing hair some of them had a hair extension some of them had a hair system of some sort similar and wigs but even though they had somewhat solved their hair problem which really wasn't totally true because they weren't clear-headed about it which I'm going to explain that in a minute that is they walk around still thinking about their hair every time they walk in front of a light they take a picture they're always thinking about how's my hair is my hair secure does it look good all right now whether your hair is thin and you're walking around thinking about your hair more than 10 minutes a day or a lot or whether you have hair added in some sort of way and you're still thinking about your hair you're not enjoying life properly enough.

So I want to give myself as an example okay I have hair at it okay I do not think about my hair all right meaning if I'm in the shower if I'm thrown in a pool if I manage else I don't think about my hair because the way I feel about my hair is that it looks and feels 100% natural and I just want to enjoy life yes I think about my hair when I get in the mirror and I fix my hair I style my hair I think about my hair oh I'm getting a haircut I'm styling it different that's okay but don't walk through the day or spend the day off and on thinking about your hair / worrying about your hair okay so you should get to a point of enjoying your hair whether it's your own hair and you got to fix it just so or whether you have to add hair and if you need our help you can always look in a website in reference to what we do and how we add hair to see if that's the right fit for you okay but the ending of this I want to tell you you shouldn't be walking around thinking about your hair you should be enjoying life and that in conference that your hair looks natural no matter what you do and that's how I feel using myself as an example alright

So now I'm going to give you the quote for today the quote for today compound interest is the most powerful force on the universe that's by ‘Albert Einstein’ now why would I break out that it's a financial statement because I'm going to tie something in those principles or in that quote in that quote there's two key principles principle number one is consistency and principle number one is sorry principle number two is multiplication so two principles inside that quote consistency and multiplication alright now what does that mean because I want you to think about that quote and take the meaning of that quote into a different area all right when you're consistent about anything you want to do anything you want to achieve even if you want to improve your health improve your appearance when you're consistent what happens is the consistency multiplies and elevate you higher and higher and higher conversely when you're inconsistent or consistent in the other direction you don't take care of yourself then that induces you to not take care of yourself more but when you do take care of yourself it induces you to take care of yourself more which induces you to take care of yourself more and it starts multiplying and you start elevating. So please remember that principle and I'm invite you to our next limitless hair expert video and that is the hair elevation story hope to see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


How to Increase the Value of Yourself through Your Hair


Hello Dino here and welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video tutorial and my name is Dino and today's subject is “How to Increase the value of Yourself through your Hair” now value of yourself is very important. I actually got this from ‘Joel Olsteen’ I was watching one of his shows and I noticed that he talked about value and how important it is and I want to sort of tie it into your appearance - all right so how do you increase your value and number, one value comes from internally, it does not come from possessions, it does not come from your position, all right. It does not come from things you get alright, it comes first from inside you have to value yourself inside first and then you do stuff exterior.

So me being in the hair business since 1975 one thing, I've noticed dealing with thousands of people trying to help thousands of people having thousands of consultations what I've noticed is that a lot of people would come in and they would love the concept all right whatever I was doing at that time but they didn't want to make the step now I can understand if they didn't have the money and then I try to help them in any way I can but when they do have the money and they like the concept and they feel like they shouldn't do it or they're not sure if they can do it they're not valuing themselves enough alright so you have to value yourself first and understand the value of yourself when you understand the value of yourself then the other things will boost your value but the main core of your value comes from internal alright

So things that you get your performance that you produce your position and even your popularity all of that should not create your value it should just induce or boost your value so I hope that makes sense to you when it comes to hair when it comes to your appearance all right what I want you to do is value yourself and if you value yourself you will then take care of yourself and I really believe everybody should take care of themselves from giving themselves good food taking care of the body taking care of their mind taking care of their hair taking care of your appearance when you do that then you'll be able to grow yourself better so take care of your appearance it's very very important and of course I'm a hair guy start with your hair okay

So now our quote for today is take charge of your appearance and your appearance will elevate you what does that mean when you take care of your appearance on a consistent basis what happens it consistently makes you feel better about yourself and the better you feel about yourself the more your self-esteem Rises so your appearance has a lot to do with how you feel although you should still value yourself first and then take care of your appearance okay let's not forget that so take care of your appearance and work on your appearance and it'll make you feel better and it'll boost your self-esteem as I said before all right so I invite you to the next video and that videos is called do you think about your hair more than 10 minutes a day so please I hope I can see you there thank you.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


How to Get the Best Results Out of a Hair Extension | Limitless Hair Expert


How to Get the Best Results Out of a Hair Extension

Hello, And welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert tutorial video. My name is Dino and today's subject is “How to get the best results out of a Hair Extensions”. Now first of all I want to explain you there are different types of hair extensions, there are hair extensions where there are little bit glue at the end of hair extensions, it’s a little bundle of hair, a little glue at the end, the most common one called Keratin hair extensions, keratin hair extensions are still done with glue. Keratin is the main protein of which your hair and your figure nails are made of it. It's a good protein, but by using glue or a bond with Keratin in it, it has no value, it’s still glue so I want you to know that first of all.

Second type of hair extensions is a Bead, at the end of the little bundle of a hair there is a bead where they sub the hair through and they crush the bead onto your hair which hooks the hair to your hair. It’s a bead extension alright.

And the third method of Hair extensions is a strip also called the weft they are done by tape on now a days alright, it’s a strip of hair and they put it on a strip.

Then also there are Hair extensions that are clipped on that you do as an individual and those hair extensions that are clipped on they are done in strips and sometimes hair extensions now a days are little hair pieces that they called hair extensions that they clipped on. So I first want everyone to know, they sort of different categories of hair extensions. Now they all have one thing in common, they all have a high probability of making your loss hair. So you have to be very careful, now here’s out you get best results out of hair extensions,

Now number one. Whenever you get a hair extensions the main principle you want to follow is the small the amount of hair, meaning if you do hair extensions let say bead hair extensions or bond / keratin hair extensions, the smaller the piece of hair the better it is, because the finer it is the less you can feel it. If you doing the Tape on or Strip also called the wefting, the thinner the strip is, the flatter it is, the better it is. And if you doing some other kind of clip on that’s a little bit of hair piece, the smaller it is, the better it is. Because when it’s smaller or flatter it little more difficult to see or feel or see it’s fined, alright.

Secondly, And to get the best results out of hair extensions is if you ever get an hair extensions do a small amount of hair, meaning if somebody gone a do a color on hair extensions, don’t get a bunch of load over your head. You better of getting a smallest amount possible and make sure you a smaller amount because technically you should be able to get two pieces if you had to, ok. Tested and a get couple of hair first, spend a low amount of money and see how it works, See how you like it alright and see if it’s safe for your hair alright.

So those are the two things, you want to add hair in smaller pieces or thinner strips and also when you add hair for hair extensions you want to add a smaller amount of hair, so you can sort of test the waters alright. So please think that through and please follow that, because it really good advice, its help the lot of people.

Now our quote for today is “Your mind is like a garden, where weeds grow automatically, unless you nurture the garden with good stuff.” What does that mean, first of all that quote came out from somebody else that I don’t remember his name and what I did his I shortened the quote and power phrase it and what it basically means is Your mind is really like a garden, what happens automatically it lot of negative stuff comes. You might say your mind stinking thinking, alright. So think about that, what normally happens what all around us a negative thought, you are watching news a negative one, all negative stuffs somewhere like a garden this don’t have to weed it, they grow automatically, make it a stuff your mind comes automatically, unless you un-purpose feed your mind with good stuff. That what thee quote means weed about good stuff, read about look at stuffs that commonly alright, give your mind a good stuff and before you know that will takeover, alright. So I would you to come to our next video, the next video is “How to increase the value of Yourself through our hair” please be available to be there and I will see you soon.

Copyright © 2017 Dino Dondiego.  All rights reserved.


What are the Three Most Natural Tips for Adding Hair - Limitless Hair Expert


What are the Three Most Natural Tips for Adding Hair

Hello Dino here, And welcome to another Limitless Hair Expert video and today's subject is What are the three most natural points to adding hair this is something that you should follow certain principles that you should follow when you're looking into adding hair, you want to follow these three key points:-

1.      Add one hair at a time think about this your own hair grows out of your head, we all know this grow that he had one hair at a time, so if you're adding hair, one hair at a time, you're duplicating the same way it grows out of the head, that's step number one step.

2.      Utilize your own hair when you utilize your own hair instead of covering it all right a lot of hair replacements, a lot of hair extensions, a lot of hair methods of adding hair they tied down your hair, they cover your hair, they remove your hair that's not a good feeling you don't want to remove something to add something, you want to enhance something because you feel more like it's still me. I'm just enhancing myself okay and it's a much better feeling and a more natural look. So what I mean by utilize your own hair you want to add hair in between your existing hair leave all your hair free leave your scalp fully accessible. So if you can add let's put these two together one hair at a time and you put one here at a time in between your hair you're still utilizing your hair which is another natural element and you're still being able to feel and see your hair if you pull your hair you're pulling your hair and the added hair you know no difference so that's the second point.

3.      Duplicate a natural hair line if you're adding hair somewhere up front you want to duplicate a hair line, How do you duplicate a hair line you follow? What a natural hair line? Does a natural hair line number one is uneven hair lines are not straight okay. They're very very uneven all right even when this sort of straight there the thinner on the temples they're very even.

So when you add hair you always want to add hair and an uneven way when it's added unevenly you're duplicating natural hair growth, another thing is added for duplicating hair line is add hair in different lengths, when your hair grows out of your head all the hairs are not the same length even if you think they are they're not because what happens is there's a cycle hair falls out new hair goes in you always have different lengths in there and if you ever comb your hair or line back or look at somebody's nice hairline slicked back you'll never see that all the hairs are the exact length there's different hair lengths there's little shorter ones little meaning ones little longer ones.

So when you're adding hair to duplicate a hairline you want to add different lens throughout another thing in most cases unless your hair is black or very dark brown and even then so you should still do this shadings you should always put in slightly different shadings along the front hairline because that way if you put different shadings it softens the hairline alright that makes sense to you just slightly different colors to be two steps later one step later and with your regular hair color and it will create a much more softer look. So let's summarize you what you want to do is add one hair a time follow that principle one hair at a time you want to utilize your own hair because that's a natural element and you want to duplicate the same way hair goes out of a hairline when you combine them you have a very very natural hairline so please give that some thought okay.

Now our quote for today is the following and that is ‘God gives us gifts wrapped in problems the bigger the problem the bigger the gift’ some of you might have heard this is a very common statement but just in case you did or you didn't want to explain that saving because you should live by this philosophy and that is whenever you come across a problem it's technically a gift that's hidden because the problems are meant for us to kind of figure them out and blow through them and pass them because every time you figure out a problem you grow that's the purpose of having a problem all right and the more problems you get the more you grow all right.

So it's an attitude sort of thing, but it really is true if you really think about it think back on any problem that you've conquered even if it's a small problem any probably you conquered you grow from that all right so that's the meaning behind that remember life will always have problems it's part of the system that was given to us give us problems. So we can figure them out and blow past them so we can grow and become better of ourselves and also grow and be more happy all right problems will always be around so please remember that and for our next video please watch it the video is titled ‘How to get the best results out of a Hair Extension and I'll see you soon.

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